Miércoles 10/06/15 solicitudes de hipotecad

Los acontecimientos mas importantes en el mundo de las finanzas, la economia (macro y micro), las bolsas mundiales, los commodities, el mercado de divisas, la politica monetaria y fiscal y la politica como variables determinantes en el movimiento diario de las acciones. Opiniones, estrategias y sugerencias de como navegar el fascinante mundo del stock market.

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Re: Miércoles 10/06/15 solicitudes de hipotecad

Notapor Fenix » Mié Jun 10, 2015 5:38 pm

Taxpayers To Lose Billions On Student Loan Refinancing
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 15:40

In what looks like the latest threat to the US taxpayer stemming from the government's trillion-dollar student loan portfolio, VC-backed tech startups are using attractive refi offers to siphon off the best loans, leaving taxpayers with a book full of IBR enrollees and severely delinquent borrowers who aren't even thinking about making payments.

Es necesaria más política monetaria expansiva en China

Miércoles, 10 de Junio del 2015 - 14:44:00

La inflación bajó en mayo hasta un 1.2 % anual desde el 1.5 % anterior. De hecho, los precios industriales mantuvieron su descenso anual del 4.6 % el mes pasado.

Precios de los alimentos moderándose, compensando la aceleración marginal del resto (1.0 % anual); no parece que las autoridades chinas deban tener mucha inquietud ante la evolución al alza de los precios. De hecho, todo lo contrario.

Pero la economía china sigue sin ofrecer aún indicios claros de desaceleración. ¿Recuerdan los datos de la balanza comercial conocidos el pasado fin de semana? Caída de las ventas del 2.5 % anual también en mayo, aunque algo más moderado el descenso frente al 6.4 % anterior; las importaciones sorprendieron en mayo con un fuerte descenso del 17.6 % anual, más pronunciado que la caída del 16.2 % de abril. Es cierto que en el caso del descenso de las importaciones hay un componente precios que no se puede despreciar, pero que también resulta más complejo de valorar. El resultado fue el tercer mayor superávit comercial de la histórica en mayo, con un crecimiento del 206 % anual en el saldo positivo acumulado en los cinco primeros meses.

¿Es suficiente la política monetaria expansiva actual instrumentada hasta el momento? Incluyendo, por qué no, el rally en las bolsas. Nosotros aún esperamos hasta dos recortes adicionales de tipos en lo que resta del año y más descensos en el coeficiente de reservas. Sin descartar otras medidas que faciliten la expansión del crédito al sector privado.

José Luis Martínez Campuzano de Citi
Mensajes: 16334
Registrado: Vie Abr 23, 2010 2:36 am

Re: Miércoles 10/06/15 solicitudes de hipotecad

Notapor Fenix » Mié Jun 10, 2015 6:17 pm

Only 1 In 20 "Skilled" Traders Profit From VIX ETFs
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 15:25

Taking heads and supposed market gurus bloviate enthusiastic comments about how it should be easy to benefit from volatility exchange-traded products. But how likely is it that these individuals are able to extract the divine trading signals, similar to what they have proposed? over the past 2 years that only less than 5% of users of these derivative products, such as mass-market available volatility ETFs, would have earned a skilled profit from it (as opposed to from haphazard guessing). So at best, only 1 in 20 people are making money on VXX and its kin.

Quote Of The Day: Bill Clinton Edition
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 14:47

During an interview with Bloomberg TV, Bill Clinton uttered the following:


Which made us wonder, does the Clinton Foundation also have a strict "no murder policy", or a strict "no punching small babies policy"? It seems a 'given' that any trusthworthy organization would implicitly have a "no corruption policy."

Could This Be OPEC's Long-Term Goal?
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 13:47

OPEC's next task is to convince those making new investments in oil that rather than catching a bottom in oil prices, they have caught a falling knife. The cartel must dampen enthusiasm for investment for the long term if the organization's members are going to benefit. A crippled U.S. oil industry without friends in the investment world is the only way to assure that rising prices won't simply lead to a stampede back into U.S. shale deposits.
Mensajes: 16334
Registrado: Vie Abr 23, 2010 2:36 am

Re: Miércoles 10/06/15 solicitudes de hipotecad

Notapor Fenix » Mié Jun 10, 2015 6:50 pm

Bank of England Head Carney Says Market Rigging Bankers Should Go To Jail
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 12:45

Mark Carney: "Real markets are essential to guarantee prosperity. Not markets that collapse when there is a shock from abroad. Not markets where transactions occur in chat rooms. Not markets where no one appears accountable for anything." So... not markets which are artificially rigged by $22 trillion in central bank liquidity and which collapse every time the "threat" that any of this preciously liquidity may be taken away?

How Do You Spell "Irony" In Japanese?
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 12:25

Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda has managed to do it again. In his now daily missives on "deflation mindset being over", "economy is on the right track", "QQE is working", and his best yet "BoJ has no plan to finance government debt", Kuroda unleashed the ultimate idiocy last night when he proclaimed "it is desirable for FX to move in a stable manner." USDJPY has fallen over 2 handles for the biggest surge in JPY strength in 6 months... to which Amari noted "Kuroda didn't intend to move market with his remarks." Irony indeed.
Mensajes: 16334
Registrado: Vie Abr 23, 2010 2:36 am

Re: Miércoles 10/06/15 solicitudes de hipotecad

Notapor Fenix » Mié Jun 10, 2015 7:06 pm

VIX ETF Nears Record Low (85% Of Float Short)
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 11:43

While we are well aware of the decay-ridden denigration of VXX (the VIX ETF), today's plunge (on heavy volume) nears a new record low for the NYFed's best friend. With 51.695 million shares short (and just 60.5 million shares oustanding) according to Bloomberg data, one can only imagine what happens if we get a true 'event' that is allowed to happen.

US Will Send 400 More Troops To Iraq Bringing Total To 3,500; Open New Military Base
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 08:05

As reported yesterday, in the latest escalation of the "war on ISIS", Obama - winner of the Nobel peace prize for pulling US soldiers out of Iraq - was said to be sending even more US soldiers, pardon military advisors, to Iraq to halt the inexplicable, constant expansion of ISIS, now deep in Syrian territory. Earlier today, this was confirmed when Reuters reported that, as expected, the US will announce on Wednesday plans for a new military base in Iraq's Anbar province and the deployment of around 400 additional U.S. trainers to help Iraqi forces in the fight against Islamic State, citing an unnamed U.S. official.

Crude Soars Despite Record Saudi Production, Lowest China Demand Growth Since 1998
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/10/2015 - 09:09

If Inventories down, then buy oil at the fastest pace in 2 months. That appears to be the algo logic as talking heads additionally blame Saudi airstrikes on Yemen for the over 6% surge in WTI in the last 2 days. However, as crude nears $62 (6 month highs) once again, we note that not only Saudi oil production just hit a new record high, but US production hit a new cycle high last week (DOE data today), and this is happening as China's energy demand grows at the slowest pace since 1998.
Mensajes: 16334
Registrado: Vie Abr 23, 2010 2:36 am

Re: Miércoles 10/06/15 solicitudes de hipotecad

Notapor Fenix » Mié Jun 10, 2015 7:17 pm

Student Debt Cancellations Begin: Government To "Forgive" $3.6 Billion After Corinthian Closure
Submitted by Tyler D.06/09/2015 - 19:30

The Department of Education says it will forgive federal student loans made to Corinthian Colleges students who can prove they were victims of fraud. The potential cost to taxpayers: nearly $4 billion. With the precedent thus set, the question now is whether continued pressure on for-profit colleges will result in further closures and more petitions from hundreds of thousands of students with hundreds of billions of loans they now know can be legally discharged.

Former CIA Director: We're Not Doing Nearly Enough To Protect Against The EMP Threat
Submitted by Tyler D.
06/09/2015 - 21:20

Last week we were reminded of what Elliott Management's Paul Singer highlighted as the "one risk that stands way above the rest in terms of the scope of potential damage adjusted for the likelihood of occurrence" - an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Specifically, we covered the release of an open letter written to President Obama on the country's concerning level of vulnerability to a natural or man-made EMP. What is stunning about the former CIA Director's comments below is not just the carnage an EMP could wreak, but the apparent rabid intransigence with which the electrical power lobby is fighting any responsibility for defending against one.
Mensajes: 16334
Registrado: Vie Abr 23, 2010 2:36 am

Re: Miércoles 10/06/15 solicitudes de hipotecad

Notapor admin » Mié Jun 10, 2015 10:39 pm

Obama aprueba el despliegue en Irak de otros 450 militares

miércoles 10 de junio de 2015 12:52 GYT
[-] Texto [+]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, aprobó un plan para desplegar hasta 450 militares en una base en la provincia iraquí de Anbar, donde entrenarán a las fuerzas de Irak que luchan contra los rebeldes de Estado Islámico, dijo el miércoles la Casa Blanca.

Obama también ordenó que "se aceleren las entregas de equipos y materiales (militares) esenciales" a las fuerzas iraquíes, integradas también por combatientes tribales y milicianos kurdos pershmerga que operan bajo el comando de Bagdad, indicó la Casa Blanca en un comunicado.
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm


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