Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

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Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 2:40 pm

VIX down 12.79

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Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 2:52 pm

Yo se que mucha gente no tiene una buena imagen del presidente Bush, pero estoy segura que esto no hubiera pasado si el hubiera sido el presidente:

Testimonio lleno de emocion recuenta los eventos del ataque de Benghazi

Un alto diplomatico dio una reconstruccion llena de emocion de lo que fue el ataque terrorista al consulado Americano en Benghazi en Libia, dando nuevos detalles de los esfuerzos desesperados por conseguir ayuda y fuerzas militares de rescate para rescatar al embajador Steven y a los sobrevivientes americanos.

El testimonio de Gregory Picks, el jefe segundo de la mision en Libia, describio lo que vio y como los pedidos de ayuda no fueron contestados, cuenta la ultima llamada del embajador antes de morir, dice fue la conversacion mas triste de su vida, los esfuerzos del embajador de conseguir ayuda y a la vez destruir informacion para que no caiga en manos del enemigo.

POLITICSUpdated May 8, 2013, 3:08 p.m. ET
Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks

WASHINGTON—A high-ranking American diplomat delivered an emotional reconstruction Wednesday of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, providing new details about frantic efforts to get military assistance, locate the missing ambassador and evacuate the surviving Americans.

In testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya, recounted what he saw as unanswered appeals for help, taunting calls from the missing ambassador's phone, the saddest conversation of his life and the frantic efforts of an axe-wielding office manager trying to destroy sensitive information.

Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya, testifies before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Wednesday.
Mr. Hicks said he was at home in Tripoli watching a favorite TV show when a foreign-service officer ran in at 9:45 p.m. local time, yelling, "Greg, Greg, the consulate's under attack." Checking his cellphone, Mr. Hicks said he saw two missed phone calls, one from U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and one from a phone number he didn't recognize.

Mr. Hicks said he called the number he didn't know and Mr. Stevens answered. "Greg, we're under attack" were the last words Mr. Hicks heard from Mr. Stevens before the call cut off.

It was the first stage in a chaotic period for State Department staffers in Libya. The attack killed Mr. Stevens and three other Americans.

In Tripoli, at around 10:45 p.m. to 11 p.m., Mr. Hicks said he asked the embassy's defense attaché, who was in contact with Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany, and the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, whether any military aircraft were on the way to Libya.

"Is anything coming? Will they be sending us any help? Is there something out there?" Mr. Hicks said he asked.

The defense attaché told him that the nearest fighter planes were based in Aviano, Italy, and it would take two to three hours for them to "get on-site," but there were no air-refueling aircraft available to refuel the fighter jets.

"I said, 'Thank you very much.' And we went on with our work," Mr. Hicks testified.

Mr. Hicks said the Americans then got disturbing news: The ambassador was taken to a hospital in Benghazi that U.S. officials at the time thought was controlled by the same militant group that was suspected to have led the attack on the consulate.

Diplomats in Tripoli were confused about Mr. Stevens's whereabouts because Libyan government contacts told them that the ambassador was in a "safe place," implying he may be with the other Americans in the annex in Benghazi, Mr. Hicks said. The diplomats told their Libyan contacts that their information was wrong.

At about 12:30 a.m. local time, diplomats at the embassy in Tripoli learned of a new threat by Islamists to attack the embassy complex there. The 55 diplomatic personnel in two facilities in Tripoli began to prepare their own evacuation.

At 2 a.m., Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top advisers called Mr. Hicks in Tripoli for an update. "She asked me what was going on and I briefed her on developments," Mr. Hicks said. Most of the call was about the search for Mr. Stevens.

Mr. Hicks told Mrs. Clinton that U.S. diplomatic personnel in Tripoli would need to evacuate. Her response, according to Mr. Hicks, was "that was the right thing to do."

Mr. Hicks said that during the night, the embassy received several phone calls from Mr. Stevens's phone in which the caller said, "We know where the ambassador is. Please, you can come get him." The embassy's Libyan staff spoke to the caller, asking to talk directly to the ambassador or for the caller to send pictures of him.

Mr. Hicks said the Americans believed Mr. Stevens was in a hospital and feared the calls were a hoax, designed to lure the Americans into "a trap."

At around 3 a.m., Mr. Hicks received a call from the prime minister of Libya, informing him that Mr. Stevens was dead. "I think it was the saddest phone call I've ever had in my life," Mr. Hicks said, choking up. He said he immediately called the State Department in Washington to inform them.

Mr. Hicks described a frantic scene in Tripoli as diplomats rushed to destroy classified information at the compound as they prepared to withdraw to an annex nearby. He singled out the office manager, who loaded ammunition into vehicles and then used an ax to smash computer hard drives.

Another witness, Mark Thompson, the deputy coordinator for operations at the State Department, testified that he was at his desk when the first reports arrived indicating an attack in Benghazi. He said he decided that the U.S. needed to activate a group called the Foreign Emergency Support Team, and notified the White House, but was told that meetings had already taken place that determined the team wasn't "in the menu of options."

Mr. Thompson said he thought that it was important to "act now" because "you don't know what's going to happen in two hours."

The State Department has said that the team, based in the U.S., wouldn't have arrived in Libya in time to make any difference. Daniel Benjamin, the head of counterterrorism at the time of the September attacks, has said that the question of whether to deploy the team was posed early, and the State Department made the correct decision against sending it.

A third witness, Eric Nordstrom, who was in charge of U.S. security in Libya until shortly before the attacks, said in prepared testimony that the Benghazi compound failed to meet security standards, even though it faced some of the gravest security threats. He also asked why a State Department review board that investigated the attacks didn't expand its probe to cover decisions made higher up the chain of command.

A State Department official said Tuesday that the department already has a "tough assessment" from an Accountability Review Board convened by Mrs. Clinton. The board faulted a "lack of proactive senior leadership" for security arrangements in Benghazi and said physical security was "profoundly weak."

Republicans are convinced that more digging will show that the Obama administration put politics before security in Benghazi. Republicans say they themselves aren't motivated by politics but by a desire to seek justice for Ambassador Stevens and the three other Americans killed in the attacks. They included an information officer and two CIA contractors.

Republicans plan at least two more hearings on the Benghazi attacks.

Write to Siobhan Hughes at siobhan.hughes@dowjones.com
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 3:03 pm

Nuevo record todos los dias.

+48.77 a 15,104.97puntos
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 3:24 pm

Grupon reporto menos perdidas, aumento de ventas.
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 3:25 pm

Treasurys Price Chg Yield %
2-Year Note -1/32 0.232
10-Year Note 3/32 1.773
* at close

4:14 p.m. EDT 05/08/13Futures Last Change Settle
Crude Oil 96.53 0.91 95.62
Gold 1472.3 23.5 1473.7
E-mini Dow 15064 81 14983
E-mini S&P 500 1629.00 8.50 1620.50

4:24 p.m. EDT 05/08/13Currencies Last (mid) Prior Day †
Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) 99.00 99.00
Euro (EUR/USD) 1.3153 1.3079
† Late New York trading.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 3:27 pm

El CEO De Enron conseguira una reduccion de sentencia de 24 anios a 14 anios.
Site Admin
Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor El_Diez » Mié May 08, 2013 4:23 pm

admin escribió:Perú se convirtió en el octavo país más rico de América Latina
El PBI per cápita del país es de US$11.403 según un estudio de Latinvex. Sin embargo, experto sostiene que cifra aún está por debajo del promedio en la región

De acuerdo con cifras del Banco Mundial, el PBI per cápita del Perú apenas sobrepasa los US$6.000. (Foto: Archivo El Comercio)

El Perú es el octavo país más rico de América Latina, según un análisis de la publicación digital Latinvex.

Esta publicación utilizó cifras del poder adquisitivo de paridad (PPP) del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI) per cápita para medir la riqueza. Bajo este criterio, el Perú tiene hoy un PBI PPP de US$11.403, cifra que supera al PBI de Colombia (US$11.284) desplazándolo al noveno puesto en la región.

¿Pero significa este resultado un crecimiento de la economía peruana? Según Elmer Cuba, director de Macroconsult, sí se ha logrado un crecimiento en cuanto al poder adquisitivo, pero –por otro lado– el Perú aún se encuentra por debajo del promedio en América Latina en producción. Comparados con Chile, la producción por persona en ese país supera en 70% a la peruana.

Hugo Perea, economista jefe del BBVA, afirma que si bien esa comparación del PBI per cápita en dólares solo mide la capacidad de compra, las cifras también son señal de crecimiento del país.

Cabe señalar que, en términos reales, el PBI per cápita del Perú al día de hoy, según cifras del Banco Mundial, apenas sobrepasa los US$6.000.

Luxemburgo y Mónaco tienen un per capita entre 170 mil y 180 mil dólares. ... :D
"No está derrotado quien no triunfa, sino quien no lucha."
Mensajes: 2791
Registrado: Jue Abr 22, 2010 9:27 am

Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 8:08 pm

9:04 p.m. EDT 05/08/13Treasurys
Price Chg Yield %
2-Year Note 1/32 0.220
10-Year Note 2/32 1.808
* at close
8:54 p.m. EDT 05/08/13Futures
Last Change Settle
Crude Oil 96.55 -0.07 96.62
Gold 1468.1 -5.6 1473.7
E-mini Dow 15055 -7 15062
E-mini S&P 500 1627.75 -1.00 1628.75
9:05 p.m. EDT 05/08/13Currencies
Last (mid) Prior Day †
Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) 98.91 99.02
Euro (EUR/USD) 1.3160 1.3153
† Late New York trading.
Site Admin
Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Miercoles 08/05/13 El Dow Jones arriba de 15,000

Notapor admin » Mié May 08, 2013 8:17 pm

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm


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