Los depositos crecen mas rapido que los prestamos
El total de depositos alcanzo $10.32 trillones al final de segundo trimestre, fue un aumento del 5.7% con respecto al anio pasado. El total de lso prestamos aumento solamente 2.7% a $7.51 trillones al final del segundo trimestre.
Deposits Grow Faster Than Loans at U.S. Banks
The growth rate in deposits at U.S. banks and thrifts is outpacing that of loans, according to data compiled by SNL Financial.
By WSJ Staff
The growth rate in deposits at U.S. banks and thrifts is outpacing that of loans, according to data compiled by SNL Financial.
The total deposits reached $10.32 trillion at the end of the second quarter, up 5.7% from the year earlier period. The total amount of loans issued by U.S. banks and thrifts rose just 2.7% to $7.51 trillion at the end of the second quarter.
Though the ratio of loans to deposits ticked up slightly by the end of the second quarter, it’s still near its lowest levels in four years.
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