Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

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Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:17 pm

AAPL +0.71%
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Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:17 pm

NOK -14.90% la estan destrozando.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:24 pm

Terremoto 7 grados en Chile.

El Nasdaq 0.70% al alza, el S&P 500 0.67%, el DJ +0.46%
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:31 pm

Los que compraron AAPL ayer deben estar bien contentos

AAPl +0.67%
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:36 pm

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Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:47 pm

Zapatero pide que la Comisión Europea, y no Merkel, lidere los planes de competitividad

Dow Jones Newswires

MADRID (EFE Dow Jones)--El presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, ha afirmado el jueves que deben ser las instituciones comunitarias, y no países como Alemania y Francia, las que planteen una propuesta para negociar el plan de competitividad y de coordinación económica que la UE pretende aprobar a final de marzo.

Zapatero ha defendido esta postura en la rueda de prensa conjunta que ha ofrecido esta tarde con el presidente de la Comisión Europea, José Manuel Durao Barroso, tras la reunión mantenida en el Palacio de la Moncloa.

El jefe del Ejecutivo ha asegurado que la iniciativa para propiciar el acuerdo que mejore la competitividad de la UE corresponde a Barroso y al presidente del Consejo Europeo, Herman Van Rompuy, como representante de los líderes de los Veintisiete.

A ambos les ha trasladado que los países con la moneda única "esperan y desean" una propuesta de sus instituciones para abordar el debate, que tendrá como citas decisivas la cumbre del eurogrupo el 11 de marzo y el Consejo Europeo de primavera de los días 24 y 25 del mismo mes, también en Bruselas.

."Cada país hará las aportaciones, estoy seguro de que Alemania y Francia harán grandes aportaciones, pero el camino para llegar al acuerdo ha de ser un camino en el que todos tengan una participación decisiva, y la manera de articular la participación decisiva de todos es que el liderazgo lo tengan las instituciones", ha proseguido.

Zapatero ha concluido: "No sólo queremos, sino que pedimos a la Comisión Europea que presente un documento en favor de esa coordinación, de esa convergencia, llamémosle pacto de competitividad o como se denomine al final".

De forma insistente, Zapatero ha dicho ser "muy defensor del método comunitario" como vía para lograr el consenso de los Veintisiete sobre cómo dar estabilidad económica a la UE.

Barroso ha convenido en que las soluciones han de buscarse por esta vía y con consenso, aunque ha apuntado que las propuestas que puedan hacer países como Alemania son "bienvenidas".

Las medidas que ha plantado la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, para que la UE sea más competitiva pasan por prohibir por ley los déficit excesivos, no vincular las subidas salariales a la inflación, subir la edad de jubilación y armonizar el impuesto de sociedades.

Merkel condiciona el aumento del fondo de rescate para blindar el euro y a los países con problemas de solvencia de deuda a que se apruebe el pacto de competitividad sobre los ejes que plantea.

Algunos países, como Bélgica, Austria o Luxemburgo, son reticentes a algunas de estas propuestas, en especial, la relativa a ligar los salarios a la productividad, lo que también rechazan los sindicatos en España.

Durao Barroso ha dicho desconocer que ya haya un plan de Merkel sobre la mesa, aunque ha reconocido que "hay algunos papeles que circulan".

"En todo caso, no es una propuesta de la Comisión Europea", ha aclarado.
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:48 pm

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Mensajes: 164292
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Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:49 pm

Au down 1,356.90

Oil down 85.45
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor Victor VE » Vie Feb 11, 2011 3:53 pm

admin escribió:NOK -14.90% la estan destrozando.

No, ellos mismos se destrozaron. No supieron hacerla.
Victor VE
Mensajes: 2987
Registrado: Jue Abr 22, 2010 8:33 am

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 4:03 pm

En el dia de Egipto el Dow Jones sube 43.97 puntos, a 12,273.36 puntos. Sube 1.5% en la semana.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 4:03 pm

El oro baja $6
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 4:05 pm

Movimientos de mercado por variación diariaAcciones Ultima cotización (S/.) Var. día (S/.) Var. día (%)
MINCORC1 29.00 1.50 3.57
CPACASI1 7.45 0.00 3.47
MINCORI1 28.70 0.90 3.24
RELAPAC1 1.94 0.06 3.19
BAP US$ 100.00 US$ 2.74 2.82
Acciones Ultima cotización (S/.) Var. día (S/.) Var. día (%)
EXSAI1 2.00 -0.15 -6.98
MPLE US$ 1.10 US$ -0.05 -4.35
ALT US$ 0.23 US$ -0.01 -4.17
ZNC US$ 0.72 US$ -0.02 -2.70
PERUBAI1 3.30 -0.09 -2.65
Site Admin
Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 4:06 pm

Copper February 11,13:59
Bid/Ask 4.5333 - 4.5353
Change +0.0174 +0.39%
Low/High 4.4688 - 4.5602

Nickel February 11,13:57
Bid/Ask 12.7299 - 12.7980
Change +0.0097 +0.08%
Low/High 12.4871 - 12.8445

Aluminum February 11,13:59
Bid/Ask 1.1116 - 1.1142
Change -0.0166 -1.47%
Low/High 1.0973 - 1.1359

Zinc February 11,13:58
Bid/Ask 1.1102 - 1.1121
Change +0.0102 +0.93%
Low/High 1.0858 - 1.1189

Lead February 11,13:58
Bid/Ask 1.1726 - 1.1771
Change +0.0180 +1.56%
Low/High 1.1335 - 1.1854
Site Admin
Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor Victor VE » Vie Feb 11, 2011 4:41 pm

Borders bankruptcy filing expected early next week

Report: Book retailer to close about 200 stores, cut thousands of jobs

NEW YORK — Borders Group may file for bankruptcy reorganization as early as Monday or Tuesday, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

The No. 2 traditional bookstore in the U.S. also plans to close about 200 of its 674 stores and cut thousands of jobs, the newspaper reported, citing sources it did not name.

A Borders spokeswoman says the company is not prepared to report on the course of action it will pursue.

Big-box bookstores such as Borders Group Inc. have struggled to adapt as more books are sold online, in electronic form and at grocery stores or discounters such as Walmart.

Borders received a commitment for a $550 million credit line from GE Capital in January. But it said at the time it was still considering an in-court restructuring.
Victor VE
Mensajes: 2987
Registrado: Jue Abr 22, 2010 8:33 am

Re: Viernes 12/02/11 Egipto se levanta!!

Notapor admin » Vie Feb 11, 2011 5:10 pm

Mubarak's Departure Deals Setback to Saudis
For Saudi Arabia, the departure of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak represents a diplomatic setback that could complicate its foreign policy across the Middle East, with repercussions stretching from Iraq to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Domestically, however, the kingdom appears largely insulated from the upheavals that have toppled regimes in Tunis and now Cairo. Though Saudi Arabia has seen small demonstrations, its ruling elite has headed off potential instability with carrots—including cash for poor families—and sticks waved sternly in protesters' direction.

As of late Friday, Saudi Arabia's leaders offered no official response to Mr. Mubarak's exit following more than two weeks of protests. But in public statements and conversations with U.S. President Barack Obama, King Abdullah had offered full-throated support to the longtime Egyptian strongman, who has been an important regional partner for the kingdom.

On Thursday, the kingdom's veteran foreign minister, Prince Saud Al Faisal, spoke sharply about "interference" in Egyptian affairs in what was interpreted as a rare attack on U.S. policy.

Mr. Obama's administration has sent mixed messages about its support of anti-Mubarak protesters but has repeatedly said significant political reform needed to started right away. Across the Mideast, that was interpreted as a withdrawal of public support for Mr. Mubarak.

"We are astonished at what we see as interference in the internal affairs of Egypt by some countries," the Saudi foreign minister said Thursday in Morocco. "We are shocked to see that there are countries pre-empting even the will of the Egyptian people."

Egypt and Saudi Arabia have worked together on attempts to forge an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord and to counter what they see as growing Iranian influence in Lebanon and Iraq. They have also cooperated in the fight against al Qaeda.

"Saudi Arabia has lost a loyal ally today," said Madawi al-Rasheed, professor of social anthropology of Kings College, London, and author of "A History of Saudi Arabia." "They have worked together on negotiations between Israel and Palestine and allying against Iran. But their response reflects a paralysis at the top caused by the illness of the king and other top princes."

King Abdullah is recuperating from a back operation in Morocco, while the country's crown prince was absent for much of the past two years for medical treatment.

One worry is that the protests of the past few weeks could spread to some of the region's big oil producers. On Friday, Saudi dissidents were quick to jump on the news of Mr. Mubarak's departure. "Now we can tell the Saudi regime it has two choices: establish a constitutional monarchy or we will work towards a republic," said Mohammad Fahad al-Qahtani, head of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association.

In the past month, the Saudi kingdom has seen street protests in Jeddah over inadequate flood defenses, small demonstrations in Riyadh for increased women's rights and social networking posts demanding more democracy. On Thursday, a group of Islamists and human-rights activists announced they had formed a political party—a move that appears mostly a political gesture in a country with no elections.

The ruling family has sent would-be protesters a veiled warning by speaking harshly about the unrest in Egypt. Last week, the king described Egyptian protesters as "meddling in the security and stability of Arab and Muslim Egypt…to inject their destructive hatred."

Saudi security services briefly arrested up to 50 protesters in Jeddah after noon prayers on Jan. 28, three days after the Egyptian protests erupted, according to Human Rights Watch. The kingdom's grand mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, was quoted by official media as saying the protests were plots by the enemies of Islam.

At the same time, the ruling Al Saud family has appeared to use the oil-rich country's financial resources to head off discontent. King Abdullah on Sunday waived repayment of state housing loans to the families of people who died in debt, and said the government would disburse $250 million to needy families.

The ruling family has also embarked on an unusually effusive public-relations mission in Jeddah, where flood victims were visited last week by Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz, the interior minister considered by many analysts to be second-in-line to the throne.

Despite Saudi Arabia's high level of graduate unemployment and near-total lack of democracy—two factors that have weighed heavily in Egypt and Tunisia—the kingdom has no sustained history of opposition politics. The royal family is backed by both conservative clerics and political reformers, and Saudis enjoy higher average incomes than most other Arabs.

Even the kingdom's geography works against any putative protest movement. Population centers are spread out across a large country, and there are few densely crowded suburbs where a mass of demonstrators could defy the authorities.

"The Saudi street is a six-lane highway, not the narrow alleyways of Cairo," said a former Western diplomat in Riyadh. "Overall, the suffering of the Saudi people is far less than it is for Egypt's teeming masses."

Saudi foreign reserves are 101% of gross domestic product, said John Sfakianakis, chief economist of Banque Saudi Fransi, compared with just 15% for Egypt. The kingdom has embarked on an $800 billion investment program running from 2008 to 2014 that could help create jobs.

"There are opportunities here that give young Saudis hope of building a future," Mr. Sfakianakis said. "Lots of Egyptians migrate abroad. Saudis don't."
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm


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