Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Los acontecimientos mas importantes en el mundo de las finanzas, la economia (macro y micro), las bolsas mundiales, los commodities, el mercado de divisas, la politica monetaria y fiscal y la politica como variables determinantes en el movimiento diario de las acciones. Opiniones, estrategias y sugerencias de como navegar el fascinante mundo del stock market.

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Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 6:41 pm


Eventos economicos

Actividad economica en Chicago
Subasta d ebonos

Entre los eventos mas importantes de la semana tenemos el PMI, el indice de las casas y la manufactura en Richmond el Martes, las ventas de casas nuevas el Miercoles,, las ordenes de bienes duraderos, los seguros de desempleo, el indice de casas pendientes, la actividad economica en Kansas el Jueves, y el GDP (PBI) y el sentimiento del consumidor el Viernes.

Chicago Fed National Activity Index
8:30 AM ET

4-Week Bill Announcement
11:00 AM ET

3-Month Bill Auction
11:30 AM ET

6-Month Bill Auction
11:30 AM ET

ICSC-Goldman Store Sales
7:45 AM ET

8:55 AM ET

PMI Manufacturing Index Flash
8:58 AM ET

FHFA House Price Index
10:00 AM ET

Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index
10:00 AM ET

4-Week Bill Auction
11:30 AM ET

52-Week Bill Auction
11:30 AM ET

2-Yr Note Auction
1:00 PM ET

Bank Reserve Settlement

MBA Purchase Applications
7:00 AM ET

New Home Sales
10:00 AM ET

EIA Petroleum Status Report
10:30 AM ET

5-Yr Note Auction
1:00 PM ET

Weekly Bill Settlement

52-Week Bill Settlement

Durable Goods Orders
8:30 AM ET

Jobless Claims
8:30 AM ET

Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index
9:45 AM ET

Pending Home Sales Index
10:00 AM ET

EIA Natural Gas Report
10:30 AM ET

Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Index
11:00 AM ET

3-Month Bill Announcement
11:00 AM ET

6-Month Bill Announcement
11:00 AM ET

7-Yr Note Auction
1:00 PM ET

Fed Balance Sheet
4:30 PM ET

Money Supply
4:30 PM ET

8:30 AM ET

Consumer Sentiment
9:55 AM ET
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 6:43 pm

El euro up 1.2128

El yen up 78.42

Au up 1,581.35

Oil down 91.21
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 6:43 pm

5:10 p.m. EDT 07/20/12Treasurys Price Chg Yield %
2-Year Note* 1/32 0.214
10-Year Note* 14/32 1.462
* at close

7:10 p.m. EDT 07/22/12Futures Last Change Settle
Crude Oil 91.28 -0.55 91.83
Gold 1581.9 -0.9 1582.8
E-mini Dow 12735 -38 12773
E-mini S&P 500 1355.00 -3.25 1358.25
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 6:50 pm

DATOS-Seis regiones españolas podrían buscar ayuda del Gobierno
domingo 22 de julio de 2012 14:43 GYT
Imprimir[-] Texto [+] MADRID (Reuters) - Las endeudadas 17 regiones de España, actualmente exiliadas de los mercados internacionales, han sido una gran fuente de preocupación para los inversionistas luego de que no cumplieran con sus metas de déficit el año pasado.
La pequeña Murcia se encaminaba el domingo a ser la segunda región de España en pedir ayuda al Gobierno central para mantener sus finanzas a flote, al tiempo que medios reportaron que media decena de autoridades locales podrían seguir los pasos de Valencia.

A continuación, detalles de las regiones que atraviesan las situaciones más críticas:


Murcia solicitará ayuda de financiamiento por unos 200 a 300 millones de euros, según citas del jefe del Gobierno local, Ramón Luis Valcarcel, publicadas en el periódico local La Opinión.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 430,27 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 797,72 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 2.806 millones de euros


La región oriental de Valencia se convirtió en la primera en pedir financiamiento del Gobierno central el viernes pasado. Durante meses ha sido vista como una de las regiones más atribuladas del país, luego del colapso de bancos locales y un estallido de una burbuja inmobiliaria se sumaran a sus problemas económicos.
Tiene dos grandes vencimientos de bonos en noviembre y diciembre.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 2.882 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 8.112 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 20.762 millones de euros


La mayor de las regiones de España en producto interno bruto también posee la deuda más alta. Dijo esta semana que no ha decidido si acudir al mecanismo de financiamiento o no, aunque es un candidato cada vez más probable.

Cataluña posee un gran vencimiento de 2.610 millones de euros en bonos durante noviembre y posee más deuda en préstamos sindicados.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 5.755 millones de euros

Total para 2012: 13.476 millones de euros
Deuda total del 2011: 41.778 millones de euros


Esta región central, con el tercer mayor ratio de deuda sobre PIB del país luego de Cataluña y Valencia, advirtió recientemente que está preocupada por su posición de financiamiento y dijo que apoya la idea del mecanismo para acceder a fondos.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 704,93 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 2.337 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 6.587 millones de euros


Las Canarias poseen el doble de la deuda que vence para refinanciar en la segunda mitad del año en comparación con la primera mitad del 2012.

La región ha rechazado la necesidad de ayuda financiera.
Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 521,78 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 744,66 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 3.718 millones de euros


La sureña Andalucía es la región más extensa y poblada de España. No obstante, ahora posee una de las tasas de desempleo más altas del país y su economía se ve en problemas.

El vice presidente del Gobierno de Andalucía dijo a la radio española el sábado que la región no necesitaba la ayuda del mecanismo de financiamiento, al menos por ahora, agregando que la deuda per cápita en la región era mucho menor que en otras áreas.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 1.610 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 2.440 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 14.314 millones de euros

La comunidad autónoma de las islas en el Mediterráneo posee uno de las ratios de deuda sobre el PIB más altas de España. El Gobierno balear ha rechazado firmemente por ahora la idea de solicitar ayuda.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 212,41 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 789,69 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 4.432 millones de euros


La región del suroeste de Extremadura es una de las más pobres de España y muy afectada por el desempleo, pero su presidente dijo que no necesitará financiamiento.

Fue una de las dos regiones administradas por el gobernante Partido Popular que se rebeló contra las nuevas metas de déficit fijadas por el Gobierno central este mes.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 115,54 millones de euros
Total para el 2012: 342,59 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 2.021 millones de euros


La pequeña región norteña, hogar de muchos mineros de carbón que hace poco hicieron una huelga contra los recortes gubernamentales, dijo que intentaba autofinanciarse y que su situación de financiamiento era muy diferente de la de Valencia.

Posee una de las necesidades de refinanciamiento más bajas para el 2012 entre las regiones españolas.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 74,4 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 176,9 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 2.155 millones de euros

La pequeña región del norte necesita refinanciar 940 millones de euros de deuda para fines de año, aunque su cifra se debe en gran parte a créditos refinanciados.

Su deuda total es la más baja de todas las regiones de España en términos nominales.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 940 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 1.970 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 900 millones de euros


Sus pagos de deuda por el resto del año son relativamente modestos pero, junto a Extremadura, fue una de las dos regiones que se rebeló este mes contra nuevas metas de déficit fijadas por el Gobierno central.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre: 248 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 549 millones de euros
Deuda total del 2011: 5.480 millones de euros


La segunda mayor región de España en PIB. Un portavoz del departamento de Hacienda de la capital dijo esta semana a Reuters que la región ya cubrió sus necesidades de refinanciamiento para este año.

Necesidades de refinanciamiento tercer y cuarto trimestre 2012: 1.344 millones de euros

Total para el 2012: 2.694 millones de euros

Deuda total del 2011: 15.447 millones de euros


Navarra, Galicia, Cantabria, Aragón y el País Vasco tenían pocas deudas que refinanciar este año o tienen una posición fiscal considerada sólida.

(Compilado por Sarah White, reporte adicional de James Mackenzie en Roma. Editado en español por Marion Giraldo)
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 6:56 pm

Grecia es el centro de atencion nuevamente en la crisis de la zona euro, se habla de su salida nuevamente.

Las tres comisiones (Troika) llega a Grecia maniana ante las dudas de que el pais pueda cumplir sus compromisos y la negativa de los demas paises a darle mas ayuda.

Grecia clama por mas ayuda, pero su promesa de cortar su deuda al 120% de su PBI no se ha cumplido.

Greece Back at Center of Euro Crisis as Exit Talk Resurfaces
By Patrick Donahue - Jul 22, 2012 6:00 PM ET

Greece retakes its position at the heart of the European debt crisis this week as its creditors assess how far off course the country is from bailout targets, raising again the specter of its exit from the euro.

Greece’s troika of international creditors -- the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund -- will arrive in Athens tomorrow amid doubts the country will meet its commitments and reluctance among euro-area states to put up more funds should it fail.

Greece is clamoring for more help as efforts to cut its debt to 120 percent of gross domestic product by 2020 fall short.

German Economy Minister Philipp Roesler said, “What’s emerging is that Greece will probably not be able to fulfil its conditions.” Photographer: Kay Nietfeld/AFP/Getty Images
.“If Greece doesn’t fulfill those conditions, then there can be no more payments,” German Vice Chancellor Philipp Roesler told broadcaster ARD yesterday, adding that he is “very skeptical” Greece can be rescued and that the prospect of its exit from the monetary union “has long ago lost its terror.”

After euro finance ministers failed to staunch a fresh low for the single currency last week with the approval of a 100 billion-euro ($122 billion) aid package for Spain, the troika will be tasked with determining the fiscal position of the nation where the crisis began almost three years ago. Greece is clamoring for more help as efforts to cut its debt to 120 percent of gross domestic product by 2020 fall short.

The euro last week fell to a 12-year low against the yen and the lowest point against the U.S. dollar in more than two years. Ten-year Spanish bond yields climbed back above 7 percent as concern mounted that policy makers are failing in their efforts to resolve the euro quandary.

The slump was compounded as Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy forecast a second year of recession and Spain’s regions lined up to seek bailout funds from the central government. Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, his country also burdened under surging borrowing costs, blamed unrest in Spain.

In Greece, officials have been struggling to hold to obligations tied to 240 billion euros of rescue funding over the past two years.

The IMF, which indicated in March it won’t commit more money to Greece, will make a decision on its next disbursement in late August at the earliest based on the troika’s findings, two fund officials familiar with the situation in recent days.

The Washington-based IMF has signaled to European officials that it will stop paying further rescue aid to Greece, bringing the country closer to insolvency in September, Der Spiegel yesterday cited unidentified European Union officials as saying. It’s “already clear” to the troika that Greece won’t reach the 120 percent target, Spiegel said.

Additional Aid?

Missing the targets means Greece would need between 10 billion euros and 50 billion euros in additional aid, a potential outcome that the IMF and several unidentified euro- area states are not prepared to accept, Spiegel said.

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s three-way coalition, formed last month after a June 17 election ended a six-week political deadlock in the country, has scrambled to assemble budget cuts to convince troika officials.

Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras has identified about 8 billion euros of spending cuts and savings for the next two years out of 11.5 billion in additional cuts required. Stournaras is fending off pressure to impose more reductions this year as the economy shrinks faster than originally forecast. He is scheduled to present his proposals to the troika on July 26.

The Greek government is also behind on state asset sales, having so far brought in 1.8 billion euros, a fraction of the 50 billion euros it aims to raise by 2020, half from sales in company stakes and half from real estate. The state is unlikely to generate more than 300 million euros this year, short of the about 3 billion euros targeted for 2012, according to the outgoing chief of the state’s asset-sales fund, Costas Mitropoulos.

Bond Payment
Mitropoulos announced his resignation from the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund last week, citing a lack of support from Samaras’s government.

Greece is due to make a 3.1 billion-euro bond payment, mostly to the ECB, in August, a challenge that euro-area officials have said won’t be an issue, while so far declining to specify how they’ll ensure the bond redemption gets paid.

German officials over the weekend torpedoed the possibility of renegotiating the terms of Greece’s agreement.

Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle told the Hamburger Abendblatt that his Free Democratic Party, the junior partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition government, won’t agree to any attempts by Greece to overhaul its bailout terms.

“That won’t work -- that’s a Rubicon we can’t cross,” Westerwelle told the newspaper. “It’s in Greece’s own hands to ensure it stays” in the euro, he said. Last month, Westerwelle said negotiators might consider giving Greece more time.

No Extension
That option also was rejected by Volker Kauder, the parliamentary caucus leader for Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union. He told party colleagues that “there will be no adjustment, also no more time,” according to WirtschaftsWoche.

Once taboo, the possibility that Greece could exit 17- member monetary union has been voiced by European officials this year who consider the fallout from such a scenario would be the lesser evil against a seemingly perpetual crisis.

Roesler, who is Germany’s economy minister as well as the Free Democratic chairman, told ARD that a curtailment of aid to Greece would lead to a sovereign default, which would in turn lead to “Greeks coming to the conclusion that it is probably wiser to leave the euro area.”

Spiegel reported that German officials were holding off on such a decision until the permanent bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism, comes into operation in September. The 500 billion-euro ESM is on hold pending a decision by Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court, set for Sept. 12.
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 9:49 pm

5:10 p.m. EDT 07/20/12Treasurys
    Price Chg Yield %
2-Year Note*   1/32 0.214
10-Year Note*   14/32 1.462
* at close
10:37 p.m. EDT 07/22/12Futures
  Last Change Settle
Crude Oil 90.71 -1.12 91.83
Gold 1579.1 -3.7 1582.8
E-mini Dow 12714 -59 12773
E-mini S&P 500 1352.00 -6.25 1358.25
10:47 p.m. EDT 07/22/12Currencies
  Last (mid) Prior Day †
Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) 78.16 78.48
Euro (EUR/USD) 1.2109 1.2158
† Late Friday in New York.
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 9:50 pm

NIKKEI 225 8,547.34 -122.53
(-1.41%) 22:28
HONG KONG HANG SENG INDEX 19,170.18 -470.63
(-2.40%) 22:33
S&​P/​ASX 200 4,137.80 -61.33
(-1.46%) 22:48
All Asia-Pacific Indexes
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 9:51 pm

Copper July 22,22:39
Bid/Ask 3.4077 - 3.4089
Change -0.0221 -0.64%
Low/High 3.4043 - 3.4358

Nickel July 22,22:38
Bid/Ask 7.1231 - 7.1398
Change -0.0756 -1.05%
Low/High 7.1231 - 7.2623

Aluminum July 22,22:37
Bid/Ask 0.8356 - 0.8358
Change -0.0003 -0.04%
Low/High 0.8349 - 0.8383

Zinc July 22,22:38
Bid/Ask 0.8329 - 0.8336
Change +0.0006 +0.07%
Low/High 0.8312 - 0.8357

Lead July 22,22:39
Bid/Ask 0.8501 - 0.8522
Change -0.0014 -0.16%
Low/High 0.8500 - 0.8559
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 9:53 pm

Producción industrial China se acelerará en 2do semestre: diario
domingo 22 de julio de 2012 22:15 GYT Imprimir [-] Texto [+]
PEKIN (Reuters) - La producción industrial de China en la segunda mitad del 2012 podría crecer un 10,7 por ciento interanual, mientras la actividad fabril se acelera en respuesta a las políticas pro-crecimiento de Pekín, informó un diario oficial el lunes, citando a una consultoría gubernamental.

"Pronosticamos que el rendimiento del sector industrial mostrará una evidente recuperación a fines del tercer trimestre o a comienzos del cuarto trimestre", afirma el informe elaborado por una consultoría afiliada al Ministerio de la Industria, según el China Securities Journal.

Las medidas de Pekín para impulsar el consumo interno, el alivio de la política monetaria y la caída de los precios de las materias primas se combinarían para apuntalar la actividad industrial y recortar la carga de los costos corporativos, dijo la consultoría, que agregó que la escasa demanda externa restringirá la recuperación.

La producción industrial de China subió un 9,5 por ciento interanual en junio y creció un 10,5 por ciento en la primera mitad de este año.

Incluso si el pronóstico de un aumento del 10,7 por ciento en el segundo semestre fuera acertado, la lectura por todo el año incumplirá de igual modo la meta anual del 11 por ciento establecida por el Ministerio de la Industria a comienzos de año.

La tasa de crecimiento económico anual de China se desaceleró a un 7,6 por ciento en el período entre abril y junio, el ritmo más lento en más de tres años, lo que confirmó expectativas de una tendencia hacia abajo que deja al crecimiento anual en curso a su resultado más débil desde 1999.

El más reciente sondeo referencial de Reuters arrojó que la economía de China debería recuperarse modestamente en la segunda mitad del año, con un crecimiento del 7,9 por ciento en el tercer trimestre y del 8,2 por ciento en el cuarto trimestre.
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 10:05 pm

Next Week’s Tape: Apple, Facebook, GDP on Tap
By Nathalie Tadena and Steven Russolillo

In another busy earnings week, several high-profile and blue-chip companies are on tap to report their latest quarterly results. Among them, consumer electronics giant Apple Inc. (AAPL) is projected to post another quarter of stronger profits and revenue on Tuesday, while social networking company Facebook Inc. (FB) on Thursday will release its first earnings report since going public.

Also due next week are data on the second-quarter’s gross domestic product and the initial public offerings of several companies, including Avast Software BV and Del Frisco’s Restaurant Group LLC.

Apple Expected To Post Top- and Bottom-Line Growth

Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expect Apple to post double-digit earnings and revenue growth when the technology stalwart reports Tuesday.

Though some have questioned the company’s ability to maintain its strong momentum, Apple’s second-quarter results topped analyst expectations, again driven by strong sales of its iPhone and iPad products. The company’s success comes as it rides the proliferation of smartphones that is reshaping the technology landscape. Apple is also driving the changes with products it is able to convince consumers and businesses to buy despite a sluggish economy.

Earlier this year, Apple unveiled plans to return some of its cash hoard to shareholders by declaring a long-awaited quarterly dividend.

Facebook To Release First Earnings Results Since IPO

Facebook is due to release its second-quarter results Thursday, marking its first earnings release since going public in May, and investors will examine if the social media heavyweight’s growing expenses will drag down profits.

Facebook went public May 18 in a highly anticipated IPO that valued the company at more than $100 billion. Its shares, first priced at $38, quickly fell amid a handful of glitches during the first day of trading.

In April, Facebook reported its first-quarter earnings slipped 12% as surging expenses more than offset a jump in revenue. The company has warned that there will be a significant increase in its share-based compensation expense from restricted stock units awarded prior to Jan. 1. Facebook has also warned that it expects its growth to slow in the future as user growth, a primary revenue driver, is expected to decline in the future as it further penetrates the market.

Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters most recently projected Facebook to post earnings of 12 cents a share and revenue of $1.15 billion.

Quarterly Earnings Due From Several Blue Chips

A handful of Dow Jones Industrial Average companies–including McDonald’s Corp. (MCD),  AT&T Inc. (T) and Chevron Corp. (CVX)–are set to report results next week.

Analysts expect McDonald’s, the world’s largest fast-food operator, and wireless carrier AT&T to both post slightly higher profits and revenue from the year-ago period. McDonald’s has seen its sales growth threatened by a challenging global economy, marked by high unemployment in Europe and a cooling economy in China. Still, the company is expected to continue outpacing its rivals, as it has for several years running. Meanwhile, AT&T continues to shift its attention away from its traditional businesses–which are contracting as more consumers switch off their home phones in favor of mobile devices and wireless Internet–and is working to squeeze more revenue out of existing customers through new services and fees, such as device-upgrade levies.

Earlier this month, oil giant Chevron said it expects its second-quarter earnings to rise from the first quarter, boosted by strong profits in its refining arm, even as it projects to make less money from the sale of crude oil and natural gas.

Other blue-chip companies reporting next week include Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), United Technologies Corp. (UTX), Caterpillar Inc. (CAT), 3M Co. (MMM) and Boeing Inc. (BA).

Avast Software, Del Frisco’s Scheduled to Debut

A handful of companies across a range of industries are slated to begin trading next week, among them Avast Software BV, Del Frisco’s Restaurant Group LLC and Northern Tier Energy L.P.

Avast, which provides security and antivirus software using a free-to-premium model, is scheduled to begin trading Thursday on the Nasdaq under the symbol AVST. Avast filed plans for an IPO in December, hoping to raise funds for working capital and general corporate purposes. The company plans to sell 9 million shares at $9 to $11 each.

Steakhouse operator Del Frisco’s shares are expected to begin trading on the Nasdaq under the symbol DFRG on Friday. Del Frisco’s, which serves caviar as an appetizer and a 32-ounce Wagyu steak for a $94 entree at its New York City location, is aiming to sell 7 million shares at a price between $14 and $16 a share. Of the total sold, 2.7 million shares are coming from private-equity controlling owner Lone Star Partners, which will continue to own a majority stake post-IPO.

Northern Tier Energy is slated to begin trading Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NTI. The energy company expects to sell 16.25 million common units at a price between $19 and $21 a piece. It filed IPO plans last December to raise money to purchase a noncontrolling interest in one of its subsidiaries owned by Marathon Oil Corp. (MRO).

First Look at Second-Quarter’s GDP on Tap

Monthly data indicate economic activity was weak last quarter. Just how weak will be known when the first look at gross domestic product is released next Friday.

Economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires expect real GDP to have grown at an annual rate of just 1.2% last quarter, down from the tepid 1.9% in the first quarter. The expected rate would be the slowest growth since 0.4% posted in the first quarter of 2011.

Data available so far suggest most major sectors–including consumer and business spending, exports, and inventories–grew sluggishly or not at all last quarter. The only bright spot may be residential construction, but that accounts for a very small share of GDP.

Troika to Visit Greece, Cyprus Next Week

The European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank, the so-called troika of international lenders which ensures euro-zone countries comply with the terms of bailout agreements, will travel to Greece and Cyprus next week, the commission said Thursday. The commission confirmed it will return to Athens on Tuesday and expects to go back to Cyprus at the beginning of the week.

Greece’s three coalition partners Wednesday agreed on the basic outline of a plan regarding 11.5 billion euros ($14.1 billion) of spending cuts to be implemented over the next two years, but have pushed back final decisions on belt-tightening measures, pending discussions with international creditors. Cyprus is expected to need about 10 billion to 12 billion euros from Europe’s rescue fund, but the money won’t come for at least another two months, until after the troika has completed its review.


Chicago Fed National Activity Index (8:30 a.m. Eastern Time)


Baidu, Halliburton, Hasbro, McDonald’s, Texas Instruments, VMware, Zions BanCorp


Markit Flash PMI (9:00)

May FHFA home prices (10:00): seen rising 0.3% after gaining 0.8% in April

Richmond Fed manufacturing survey (10:00)


Aflac, Altera, Apple, AT&T, Biogen, Broadcom, Cabot Oil & Gas, Centene, Dominos Pizza, DuPont, Edwards Lifesciences, EMC, Juniper Networks, Lexmark, Lockheed Martin, Netflix, Panera Bread, Penn National Gaming, Regions Financial, Riverbed Tech, Six Flags, Tempur-Pedic, Under Armour, UPS, Whirlpool


June new home sales (10:00): seen rising by 1.6% to 375,000 after rising 7.6% to 369,000 in May


Ameriprise, AOL, Boeing, caterpillar, Cheesecake Factory, Citrix, Community Health, Corning, Delta Air Lines, Eli Lilly, Flextronics, Ford Motor, Hess, Hudson City Bancorp, JetBlue, KBR, Las Vegas Sands, Level 3 Communication, Nasdaq OMX, Nielsen, PepsiCo, Piper Jaffray, RadioShack, Raymond James, Ruby Tuesday, Ryland, Symantec, T. Rowe Price, U.S. Airways, Visa, WellPoint, Whole Foods Market, Zynga


Jobless claims (8:30): seen dropping by 6,000 to 380,000

June durable goods orders (8:30): seen rising by 0.6% after gaining 1.3% in May

June pending home sales (10:00): seen rising by 0.9% after rising 5.9% in May

July Kansas City Fed manufacturing survey (11:00)


3M, Amazon, Amgen, Boston Scientific, CA, Celgene, Clearwire, CME Group, Coinstar, Dow Chemical, Dr. Pepper Snapple, Dunkin’ Brands, Expedia, Exxon Mobil, Facebook, Fortune Brands, Hershey, International Paper, Janus capital, Lazard, McGraw-Hill, Meritage Homes, MetroPCS Communication, Moody’s, New York Times, Noble Energy, PulteGroup, Royal Caribbean, Sprint Nextel, Starbucks, Starwoods Hotels, United Continental, United Tech, Universal Health, Waddell & Reed, Watson Pharma


Second-quarter real GDP (8:30, first read): seen up 1.2%

July Reuters/UMich consumer sentiment (9:55, final read): seen at 72.0, matching the preliminary reading


American Axle, Arch Coal, Chevron, Coventry Health, DR Horton, Hercules Offshore, KKR, Legg Mason, LifePoint Hospitals, Merck, McClatchy, Newell Rubbermaid, Newmont Mining, NuStar Energy, Pilgrim’s Pride, Weyerhauser

–Kathleen Madigan and Frances Robinson contributed to this report.

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Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor Comodoro » Dom Jul 22, 2012 10:08 pm

Los graficos del dia, :D
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Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 10:21 pm

Los yields bajan a territorio record

Los bonos del gobierno Americano avanzaron, empujando los yields de 10 y 5 anios a la baja niveles record, antes del reporte que posiblemente mostrara que la economia mas grande esta enfriandose y los servicios en la zona euro se han congelado.

Bill Gross quien maneja el fondo de bonos mas grande del mundo en Pimco, escribio via twitter que los activos reales son una mejor apuesta ante el interes negativo en US que le han dado a los inversionistas un 1.2% de retorno este mes despues de haber bajado 0.4% en Junio.

La desaceleracion en US es consistente con todo lo que esta pasando en el mundo, dijo Michael Turner, economista de RBC Capital Markets Ltd. en Sydney: los yields estan bien bajos y talves se hayan convertido en un refugio.

Los yields 10 anios bajaban a 1.4347%

Probablemente la economia Americana subio 1.4% en el segundo trimestre y seria el crecimiento mas lento desde Junio del 2011.

Europa sigue preocupando, la troika visita Grecia maniana y Espana vendera deuda maniana tambien.

Treasury Yields Drop to Records
By Kristine Aquino - Jul 22, 2012 10:47 PM ET

Treasuries advanced, pushing 10- and 5-year yields down to record lows, before reports this week that may show growth in world’s biggest economy cooled and manufacturing and services output in the euro area stalled.

Bill Gross, who runs the world’s biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment Management Co., wrote on Twitter that real assets are a “better bet” amid negative real interest rates in the U.S. Treasuries have handed investors a 1.2 percent return this month after a 0.4 percent decline in June, according to data from Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

“Soft data in the U.S. is pretty consistent with what’s been happening across the globe,” said Michael Turner, an economist at RBC Capital Markets Ltd. in Sydney. “Yields are pretty low and there’s probably a fair bit of safe haven-type flow into them.”

Ten-year yields touched a record 1.4347 percent and were at 1.44 percent as of 11:44 a.m. in Tokyo, two basis points below the close on July 20. The 1.75 percent security due in May 2022 rose 5/32, or $1.56 per $1,000 face amount, to 102 27/32.

The five-year yield slid to an all-time low of 0.5555 percent, while the rate on two-year U.S. government debt declined to as low as 0.1933 percent, the least since September 2011.

The U.S. economy probably grew 1.4 percent in the three months through June, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey before the Commerce Department releases the data on July 27. That would be the slowest pace since the quarter ended June 2011 and compares with a 1.9 percent pace in the previous period.

Real Assets
Investors may maintain purchasing power with real assets, Pimco’s Gross wrote on Twitter. His $263 billion Total Return Fund had 52 percent of its assets in mortgage-related bonds and 35 percent in Treasuries as of June 30, according to the company’s website.

The cost of living in the U.S. rose 1.7 percent in June from a year earlier, according to a July 17 report. The difference between the consumer-price rate and 10-year Treasury yields, so-called real yield, is negative 22 basis points.

The world’s biggest fixed-income investors, fed up with yields on benchmark government bonds that pay less than zero percent, say they’ve found a new haven from turmoil sweeping global markets: corporate debt.

BlackRock Inc. (BLK), Glenmede Corp. and at least four other firms that collectively manage in excess of $4 trillion are putting more of their money into the bonds of companies, contributing to a record rally. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Broad Market Corporate Index, which tracks 9,542 debentures, is on pace to gain 3.61 percent in July, the most since being created in 1997, and 14 percent for the year including reinvested interest.

Europe Concern
Treasuries are set for an advance this month as investors seek the relative safety of U.S. sovereign debt amid concern growth is slowing globally.

Figures from London-based Markit Economics due tomorrow may show a composite index based on a survey of purchasing managers in manufacturing and services in the 17-nation euro area was unchanged at 46.4 this month from June. A reading below 50 indicates contraction.

Spain is due to sell bills tomorrow after benchmark borrowing costs climbed toward a euro-era record last week. The same day, Greece’s troika of international creditors is due to arrive in Athens amid renewed concerns the nation will fail to meet its financial commitments.

China’s economy may expand 7.4 percent this quarter, according to Song Guoqing, an academic member of the People’s Bank of China monetary policy committee. The world’s second biggest economy grew 7.6 percent in the three months through June from a year earlier.

To contact the reporter on this story: Kristine Aquino in Singapore at kaquino1
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 10:22 pm

Index Name Value Change % Change Time
Nikkei 225 8,542.65 -127.22 -1.47% 22:36:01
Hong Kong Hang Seng Index 19,172.58 -468.22 -2.38% 22:58:30
S&P/ASX 200 4,141.00 -58.12 -1.38% 22:54:36
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 10:22 pm

El Asia profundamente a la baja.
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Lunes 23/07/12 Actividad economica en Chicago

Notapor admin » Dom Jul 22, 2012 10:30 pm

El Hang Seng se hunde

Las acciones caian 2.6% en Hong Kong, el euro caia a su peor nivel en muchos anios frente al dolar y el yen y la preocupacion por Europa resurgia despues que el costo de la deuda Espanola tocaba territorio record en la era euro.

Los yields de Espana subieron a 7.24% el F=Viernes, nivel que podria requerir que Espana pida mas ayuda financiera. El gobierno Espanol tambien dijo que permaneceria en recesion el proximo anio.

El euro continuo cayendo a 1.2131 comparado con 1.3158 el Viernes.

Korea caia 2%, el Nikkei 1.3%, el Shanghai C. 1.2% y Australia 1.4%.

Hang Seng Tumbles

Hong Kong stocks slumped 2.6%, leading Asian indexes lower, and the euro slid to multiyear lows against the dollar and the yen as worries over Europe resurfaced after Spanish borrowing costs reached a euro-era high.

Europe once again was pressed to the forefront of investor concerns, as yields on Spanish 10-year sovereign bonds reached 7.24% on Friday, a level that could require Spain to ask for more financial help from its euro-zone neighbors. The Spanish government also cut the country's growth forecasts for 2013 and said that it will remain in recession next year.

"Europe is definitely a drag on risk assets again this week as investors are worried that Spain's debt burden could be bigger than expected and that a full bailout may be required," said CityIndex chief market strategist Peter Esho in Australia.

The euro dropped against the dollar to its lowest level for more than two years on Friday, and continued to fall in Asia, to $1.2131, compared with $1.2158 late on Friday. Falling to ¥94.88 on Monday, the single currency hit its lowest level against the yen since November 2000, before recovering to ¥95.06.

"It's not the kind of situation where fears are just going to fade away, since the required amount of aid that Spain will need is likely to mount given the increasing needs of local government," said Rakuten Securities, a senior market analyst at Masayuki Doshida in Japan.

Asian risk currencies were also affected by the European jitters—most notably, the Australian dollar, which fell to $1.0320 on Monday from $1.0404 late Friday. The dollar also gained against the South Korean won, to 1,146 compared with 1,141 at the end of the week.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 2.6%, dragged down by its largest constituent, HSBC, HBC -3.25%which sank 4.1%. Stocks in mainland China were less badly affected, as the Shanghai Composite dropped by 1.2%.

South Korea's Kospi dropped 2% on Monday, as investors sold banks and energy stocks at the start of a busy week of earnings reports, with releases from major companies like LG Electronics 066570.SE +1.41%and Hyundai Motor 005380.SE -0.45%on the slate.

Japan's Nikkei Average dropped 1.3%, as local exporters with a large exposure to Europe were hit by the weakened euro: Sony SNE -3.90%fell by 3.1% and camera maker Ricoh 7752.TO -5.62%sank 5.6%.

Australia's S&P/ASX 200 dropped 1.4%, giving up a large chunk of the 2.8% gain that it made last week.

In company news, Suzuki Motor 7269.TO -2.04%dropped 1.8% in Tokyo, as the car maker was hampered by uncertainty over the resumption of the operations of its plant in northern India. The company's local subsidiary, Maruti Suzuki India, 532500.BY +2.43%declared a lockout over the weekend, which it said would continue until local authorities complete an investigation into a riot by some of its workers that resulted in the death of a senior official.
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