Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

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Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:26 am

ERX +2.03%

HAL +0.74%

Libor igual 0.31%
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Mensajes: 164292
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Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:27 am

BVN -0.52%

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Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:35 am


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Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:36 am

MOS +4.13%

AKAM +2.99%

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:39 am

Obama: drill (exploraciones de petroleo) en Brasil, no en US. Obama le da $3 billiones a Brasil en creditos para drilling. En US no un centavo, no permisos, no nada.

Esos son los democratas. Ellos no quieren que este pais surga. Por eso algunos los llaman anti-americanos, con amigos como ellos, quien necesita enemigos.

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:40 am

BVN -1.15%

Au up 1,435.50
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:41 am

Por supuesto que eso no tiene nada que ver con que Soros sea el mayor contribuyente de la campania de Obama y de los democratas izquierdias en general y que Soros es uno de lso mas grandes accionistas de Petrobas y la ayuda de US a Brasil para exploracion. No que va, eso es pura casualidad.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:43 am

Apple lanza iPad 2 en otros países, producto se agota en EEUU
viernes 25 de marzo de 2011 10:07 GYT
Imprimir[-] Texto [+] Por Amy Pyett y Gyles Beckford
WELLINGTON/SYDNEY (Reuters) - Cientos de clientes formaban largas filas afuera de las tiendas de Apple el viernes para el lanzamiento internacional del iPad 2, que ha ido más allá de las estanterías en Estados Unidos y dejado a la compañía luchando por cumplir con la demanda.

Analistas anticipan que cerca de 1 millón de aparatos podrían haber sido vendidos en la primera semana del lanzamiento en Estados Unidos, pero muchos advirtien que no está claro cómo las restricciones en el abastecimiento afectarán la disponibilidad después de que un terremoto y un tsunami dañaran a la industria tecnológica de Japón.

El iPad 2, una versión más delgada y veloz que incorpora dos cámaras para video chat, fue introducido en Estados Unidos el 11 de marzo. Pero algunos compradores potenciales han expresado frustración por lo difícil que ha sido reservar uno de los popularísimos computadores tablet, provocando rumores de que Apple habría calculado mal la demanda.

El lanzamiento internacional se inició en Nueva Zelanda, y posteriormente en Australia, y será presentado en otros países, incluyendo a Francia, Gran Bretaña, Dinamarca, Alemania, Italia, Holanda, España, Canadá y México.

"Fantástico, mi hermana lo amará", dijo Alex Lee, un mochilero, mientras tomaba un iPad 2. El fue el primero de la fila tras estar dos noches afuera de la tienda de Apple en el distrito de negocios central de Sydney.

El presidente ejecutivo de Apple, Steve Jobs, dijo el jueves que la compañía estaba "trabajando duro para armar suficientes iPads para todos", mientras la compañía luchaba por cumplir con la demanda en Estados Unidos.

Analistas esperan que la compañía venda 30 millones de unidades o más este año, generando cerca de 20.000 millones de dólares en ventas, aún cuando otras compañías lancen sus propios aparatos.

El personal de Apple en Sydney entregaba sandwiches a las personas en la fila, mientras que en Perth los empleados servían agua, helado y repartían bloqueador contra una temperatura que se espera alcance los 36 grados Celsius.

No obstante, en Helsinski, donde el iPad 2 sale a la venta en unas pocas horas, la nieve y las temperaturas que bordean los 3 grados Celsius bajo cero parecían hacer que los potenciales compradores no formaran las filas todavía.
Los analistas temen además que Apple sufra de escasez de partes clave para el iPad 2 por causa del terremoto y del tsunami que azotaron a Japón hace dos semanas.

"El sismo tendrá un efecto sobre los suministros del iPad, ya que algunas partes vienen de Japón", dijo Akira Minamikawa, vicepresidente de iSuppli en Tokio.

"Es demasiado pronto para decir cuánto será afectada la producción. Pero hay un número de manufactureros de partes del iPad, incluyendo a Toshiba y a Hitachi para los pantallas de LCD, mientras que Toshiba también fabrica memorias flash", añadió.

(Reporte adicional de Cecile Lefort, Victoria Thieberger y Rebekah Kebede en Australia, Edwin Chan en Los Angeles, Clare Jim en Taipei, Isabel Reynolds en Tokio y Jussi Rosendahl en Helsinnki; Escrito por Ed Davies y Dhara Ranasinghe; Editado en español por Gabriela Donoso)
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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:45 am

En Siria comienzan a matar a los rebeldes en las calles. (como perros)

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Mensajes: 164292
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Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:46 am

El desempleo cayo en 27 estados en US en Febrero. Buenas noticias.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:46 am

Copper March 25,10:39
Bid/Ask 4.4332 - 4.4349
Change +0.0187 +0.42%
Low/High 4.3950 - 4.4449

Nickel March 25,10:39
Bid/Ask 12.3090 - 12.3285
Change +0.0333 +0.27%
Low/High 12.1328 - 12.3583

Aluminum March 25,10:39
Bid/Ask 1.1777 - 1.1783
Change +0.0092 +0.79%
Low/High 1.1658 - 1.1790

Zinc March 25,10:39
Bid/Ask 1.0683 - 1.0693
Change -0.0159 -1.46%
Low/High 1.0651 - 1.0908

Lead March 25,10:39
Bid/Ask 1.2259 - 1.2266
Change -0.0033 -0.27%
Low/High 1.2208 - 1.2440
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:47 am

Movimientos de mercado por variación diariaAcciones Ultima cotización (S/.) Var. día (S/.) Var. día (%)
RELAPAC1 2.01 0.04 2.03
ZNC US$ 0.65 US$ 0.01 1.56
GRAMONC1 6.55 0.07 1.08
CVERDEC1 US$ 48.99 US$ 0.49 1.01
EDEGELC1 1.90 0.01 0.53
Acciones Ultima cotización (S/.) Var. día (S/.) Var. día (%)
RCZ US$ 0.28 US$ -0.01 -3.45
AUSTRAC1 0.33 -0.01 -2.94
PML US$ 0.65 US$ -0.01 -1.52
RIO US$ 2.40 US$ -0.03 -1.23
BAP US$ 107.25 US$ -0.95 -0.88
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:49 am

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:50 am

S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEX 14,112.10 82.74 0.59% 10:47
S&P/TSX EQUITY INDEX 14,614.70 82.51 0.57% 10:42
S&P/TSX 60 INDEX 810.30 4.40 0.55% 10:42
S&P/TSX VENTURE COMP IDX 2,313.27 8.69 0.38% 10:42

MEXICO IPC INDEX 36,884.40 12.07 0.03% 10:26
MEXICO INMEX INDEX 2,122.88 0.20 0.01% 10:22
MEXICO IMC30 INDEX 474.83 0.08 0.02% 10:22
MSE TOTAL RETURN INDEX 43,466.80 9.90 0.02% 10:22

Bolsa de Panama General 291.20 0.86 0.30% 03/24

ARGENTINA MERVAL INDEX 3,348.83 27.29 0.82% 03/23
ARGENTINA BURCAP INDEX 11,299.90 32.26 0.29% 03/23
M.AR MERVAL ARGENTINA IX 2,761.10 19.22 0.70% 03/23
INDICE BOLSA GENERAL 185,510.00 903.44 0.49% 03/23

BRAZIL BOVESPA INDEX 68,059.50 526.57 0.78% 10:46
BRAZIL IBrX INDEX 22,037.20 105.19 0.48% 10:27
BRAZIL ELECTRIC.ENRGY IX 29,085.90 191.73 0.66% 10:27
BRAZIL TELECOM INDEX 1,681.88 26.43 1.60% 10:27
BRAZIL CORP GOV INDEX 7,405.98 25.83 0.35% 10:27
BRAZIL VAL/BOV 2 TIER IX 6,054.03 38.96 0.65% 10:27
BRAZIL IBrX-50 INDEX 9,493.39 50.86 0.54% 10:27

CHILE STOCK MKT SELECT 4,596.26 -0.45 -0.01% 10:41
CHILE STOCK MKT GENERAL 21,777.00 28.14 0.13% 10:42
CHILE INTER-10 INDEX 5,416.48 26.87 0.50% 10:42
CHILE 65 INDEX 3,089.50 10.98 0.36% 10:26
CHILE LARGE CAP INDEX 2,954.23 10.00 0.34% 10:26
CHILE SMALL CAP INDEX 4,485.10 18.06 0.40% 10:08

VENEZUELA STOCK MKT INDX 71,587.90 0.00 0.00% 09:27

PERU LIMA GENERAL INDEX 22,566.90 9.10 0.04% 10:26
PERU LIMA SELECTIVE INDX 30,780.00 27.03 0.09% 10:25

COLOMBIA COLCAP INDEX 1,742.96 0.91 0.05% 10:21
COLOMBIA COL20 INDEX 1,489.23 9.52 0.64% 10:22
IGBC GENERAL INDEX 14,687.60 20.29 0.14% 10:21
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Viernes 25/03/11 GDP (PBI), ganancias corporativas

Notapor admin » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:52 am

A paso lento pero seguro. Se sigue avanzando en la planta nuclear.

Slow Progress Made at Japan's Reactor

TOKYO—Japanese workers failed to restore power to parts of a crippled nuclear power plant but managed Friday to begin dousing fuel rods with fresh water, a development suggesting that the two-week effort to control the disaster continues to inch ahead.

With the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant entering its third week, almost every day brings some incremental progress along with reminders that the process is painfully slow and fraught with danger.

Workers at the six-reactor Fukushima Daiichi power plant, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co., had hoped to connect the control room of the No. 2 unit to outside power and start cooling systems at the Nos. 1, 3 and 4 reactors by the end of Friday.

Those efforts failed as workers battled a highly radioactive environment that put three employees in the hospital for possible burns. On Thursday, they stepped in a puddle that contained radiation levels 10,000 times higher than normal.

"The situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is still very grave," said Prime Minister Naoto Kan at a news conference. "We are still not at a stage where we can be optimistic."

On the positive side, workers switched to fresh water in dousing the stricken Nos. 1 and 3 reactors rather than corrosive sea water, which had been used as an emergency measure to cool overheating fuel rods.

The week ended with the most important piece of business unfinished. Although each unit is hooked up to the outside electrical grid, workers have yet to restore normal cooling systems that would bring volatile nuclear material under control.

."We cannot say with certainty at this point in how many days all the reactors will be brought to a state of cold shutdown," said Hidehiko Nishiyama, a top official at the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Japan's nuclear regulator. Cold shutdown refers to the cooling of a nuclear reactor to safe levels.

In the days after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, Fukushima Daiichi experienced explosions and released radiation that affected people as far away as Tokyo, nearly 150 miles distant.

Hironobu Unesaki, a nuclear expert at Kyoto University, said additional major emission of radioactive substances is unlikely, but warned that weary workers may make slips.

"Human error is likely," he said, citing the accidental radiation exposure in the puddle. "Normally, if you hear there is water, you always check and take precautionary measures, but they have forgotten that," he said.

"They're making progress and they're making it as fast as they can," said Murray Jennex, an associate professor at San Diego State University who worked in the commercial nuclear industry for 17 years. "The longer they go without anything major happening, the better."

Japanese officials acknowledged radiation leakage from the accident is greater than initially believed and has slowed the efforts to stabilize the plant.

"Radiation levels in some parts of the facilities are just stunning," said one official at the Japanese regulator. "The work to fix the cooling system was made all the more difficult by the lack of information about where radiation is high inside the complex."

Nearly 30,000 people are dead or missing after the quake, and more than a quarter million people have been evacuated.

On Friday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano warned more evacuees may be coming as workers struggle to get control of Fukushima Daiichi. He said the government is looking for temporary housing for those living between 20 kilometers and 30 kilometers from the plant. Those people are currently being advised to stay indoors.

The U.S. government has recommended a 50-mile (80-kilometer) exclusion zone.

Friday's use of fresh water to cool parts of the plant should help settle some international unease. On Thursday, a U.S. official said the containment vessels at the Fukushima plant were filling up with salt, which could hinder cooling of the vessels.

Japanese Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa said Friday the U.S. has offered to provide fresh water for the cooling operations. A U.S. military spokesman in Japan said that as an initial step, the U.S. military plans to ship 525,000 gallons of fresh water on two Navy barges from a base in Yokosuka, south of Tokyo.

Also, the U.S. government has begun distributing potassium iodide tablets to American citizens in Tokyo as a precaution. Potassium iodide can help prevent the absorption of iodide 131, an isotope created in nuclear fission that collects in the thyroid gland.

The Fukushima Daiichi accident is currently rated 5 on a seven-level international scale of nuclear accidents. That is the same as the 1979 Three Mile Island accident, meaning there was a release of radiation to the environment. The 1986 Chernobyl accident was a 7.

Mr. Nishiyama of the nuclear regulator left open the possibility of raising the number after more data are available.

"Five is too low, given the severity of radiation in areas around the nuclear complex," said Masako Sawai of the Citizens' Nuclear Information Center, an antinuclear group in Tokyo. "The government is either underestimating the crisis or avoiding looking at it squarely."

—Chester Dawson and Stephen Power contributed to this article.
More Coverage of the Japan Earthquake
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