por admin » Lun Feb 28, 2011 9:19 am
Peru subio los requerimientos de reservas de los bancos en 0.25% en las cuentas en dolares y soles para combatir la inflacion debido al surgimiento de la demanda por creditos, productos y servicios.
La inflacion estara cerca al 3% dijo Velarde debido al alza de los commodities.
Los prestamos subieron 19%.
Peru Raises Bank-Reserve Requirement for Second Time to Cool Credit Growth
By John Quigley - Feb 28, 2011 12:00 AM ET
Peru’s central bank President Julio Velarde. Photographer: Jonathan Fickies/Bloomberg
Peru’s central bank increased reserve requirements for a second straight month to ease inflation pressures amid surging demand for credit, goods and services.
Banco Central de Reserva del Peru raised the average reserve rate by 0.25 percentage point of banks’ sol- and dollar- denominated deposits. The increase takes effect March 1, the central bank said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.
Policy makers have raised both the reserve ratio and their benchmark rate twice this year as bank lending feeds a boom in private investment and consumer demand in the $153 billion economy. The central bank is seeking to prevent rising international prices for food and crude oil from contaminating other parts of South America’s sixth-largest economy, bank president Julio Velarde said last week.
The increase seeks “to keep inflation expectations anchored within the 1 percent to 3 percent target range,” the bank said in yesterday’s statement.
Higher commodity prices sparked the fastest monthly inflation in more than two years in January and will likely push the annual rate “very close” to 3 percent, Velarde told reporters Feb. 24.
Consumer Prices
February’s rise in consumer prices is forecast to match January’s 0.39 percent month-on-month increase, according the median estimate of eight analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. The annual inflation rate for February is projected to rise to 2.2 percent, compared with 2.17 percent in January.
Outstanding bank loans rose 19 percent to 110 billion soles ($39.6 billion) in January from a year earlier, the Andean country’s banking association Asbanc said last week.
The central bank extended reserve requirements to include the overseas units of domestic lenders for the first time on Jan. 1 as it seeks to prevent short-term capital inflows from increasing volatility in the sol.
Peruvian banks’ average reserve requirement was 12.1 percent during Feb. 1 to Feb