por admin » Lun Feb 28, 2011 3:27 pm
Analisis tecnico: el Bull market esta siendo probado, pero sigue intacto
Aun con la caida de la semana pasada el bull market se mantiene intacto de acuerdo a BAC
Lo que es sorprendente es que el casi 100% de ganancias del S&P 500 desde los puntos mas bajos de Marzo del 2009 se encuentra entre los primeros 10 lugares de los 25 de la historia.
BAML Technicians: Bull Market Tested, But Still on Track
By Dave Kansas
Even after last week’s sell-off, the bull market remains intact, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
What’s surprising is that the nearly 100% gains for the S&P 500 since the market lows of March 2009 just sneaks into the top 10 of 25 bull markets as measured by BAML’s technical analysis group. This may come as a surprise for those thinking that the market has gotten well ahead of itself.
The top 10 and their percentage gains:
1. 4-Dec-87 24-Mar-00: 582.15%
2. 13-Jun-49 2-Aug-56: 267.08%
3. 12-Aug-82 25-Aug-87: 228.81%
4. 28-Apr-42 29-May-46: 157.70%
5. 14-Mar-35 10-Mar-37: 131.64%
6. 3-Oct-74 28-Nov-80: 125.63%
7. 27-Feb-33 18-Jul-33: 120.61%
8. 1-Jun-32 7-Sep-32: 111.59%
9. 9-Oct-02 9-Oct-07: 101.50%
10. 9-Mar-09 18-Feb-11: 98.51% (S&P is at 1321 today, below its Feb. 18 peak of 1343.01).
Of course, what’s mildly troubling about that Top 10 is two entrants from 1932 and 1933. Shows that even in the midst of awful economies, the stock market can put in an awesome run.