Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Los acontecimientos mas importantes en el mundo de las finanzas, la economia (macro y micro), las bolsas mundiales, los commodities, el mercado de divisas, la politica monetaria y fiscal y la politica como variables determinantes en el movimiento diario de las acciones. Opiniones, estrategias y sugerencias de como navegar el fascinante mundo del stock market.

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Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 5:37 am

Caen bolsas en Asia, deuda pone a la defensiva al euro
martes 29 de junio de 2010 04:56 GYT
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1 de 1Tamaño CompletoPor Alex Richardson
SINGAPUR (Reuters) - Las bolsas cayeron el lunes en Asia y van encaminadas a su peor desempeño trimestral desde finales del 2008, mientras que las preocupaciones sobre financiamiento en la eurozona enviaron a la moneda única a un mínimo histórico contra el franco suizo.

La tibieza de la recuperación tras la recesión global mantiene a los inversores a la defensiva, con un viraje general hacia refugios relativamente seguros que provocó un rebote del oro.

Las acciones chinas cayeron más de un 4 por ciento, a un mínimo en 14 meses, luego de que los inversores comenzaron a acumular fondos para prepararse para una importante oferta pública de acciones del Agricultural Bank of China, provocando una escasez de liquidez en los mercados de chinos.

"El mercado todavía enfrenta presiones financieras y aún estamos preocupados respecto a la economía doméstica", dijo Zheng Weigang, un analista de Shanghai Securities.

En Japón, el índice Nikkei de la bolsa de Tokio cayó un 1,3 por ciento y cerró en un mínimo de 3 semanas. El índice MSCI de acciones asiáticas no japonesas cedía un 2,2 por ciento.

El Nikkei ha perdido cerca de un 14 por ciento en el segundo trimestre y el MSCI que excluye a Japón ha retrocedido cerca de un 8 por ciento, lo que los encamina hacia su peor desempeño trimestral desde la agitación sufrida en los últimos meses del 2008, tras el colapso de Lehman Brothers.

El euro se depreciaba cerca de un 1 por ciento contra el yen, arrastrado a la baja por las pérdidas contra el franco suizo. La moneda única perdió un 0,2 por ciento en la jornada para alcanzar 1,3323 francos en la plataforma EBS, su mínimo desde su lanzamiento en 1999.

Los operadores en Asia dijeron que los inversores miran con cautela a las monedas ligadas al crecimiento y al euro, en medio de los problemas en la eurozona, donde las presiones para el financiamiento resurgieron luego de que las tasas interbancarias tocaron el lunes su máximo en casi 7 meses.

La inquietud sobre la carga de deuda de Europa contribuyó a un rebote del oro. El precio del metal precioso al contado subió más de 3 dólares, a 1.239,20 dólares la onza, aunque luego retrocedió.
"El oro probablemente seguirá bien apoyado en el trimestre actual. La demanda por el metal sigue siendo importante", dijo David Moore, un estratega de materias primas del Commonwealth Bank of Australia en Sidney.

La debilidad del euro -y la consecuente fortaleza relativa del dólar- también contribuyó a la caída en los precios del petróleo, haciendo más caro al crudo (cuyo precio está denominado en dólares) para los compradores en Europa y Asia.

El petróleo retrocedía más de un 2 por ciento, a 76,57 dólares el barril, luego de que los meteorólogos indicaron que la tormenta tropical Alex posiblemente no afectará la principal región productora en el Golfo de México.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 5:47 am

Nerviosismo hunde a los mercados Europeos

Una nueva ola de nerviosismo golpeaba a los mercados financieros de Europa el Martes enviando al euro a la baja.

Especial atencion a las elecciones presidenciales el Miercoles en Alemania, la subasta de bonos de Espania y la expiracion de de los prestamos del ECB de $542 billones. Los tres eventos tienen la fortaleza para hacer temblar a los mercados, ademas de la desaceleracion de la economia China y las cifras del empleo el Viernes.

El limite de la compra de bonos del ECB alcanzo su limite de $60 billones ha aumentado el nerviosismo en el mercado hoy dia.

Jitters Sink European Markets

LONDON—A wave of nerves ran through Europe's financial markets Tuesday, sending share prices and the euro lower, while bolstering core European government bonds.

"We note the Presidential election taking place in Germany on Wednesday (a vote that is increasingly seen as a vote of confidence in the government), while Thursday sees both a Spanish government bond auction and the expiry of the European Central Bank's €442 billion ($542.51 billion) in one-year loans to 1,121 euro-zone banks," said Simon Derrick at Bank of New York Mellon.

All three events have the potential to significantly unsettle the markets, he added, while others pointed to worries about an economic slowdown in China and nervousness ahead of the U.S. employment report due Friday.

On Monday, the Conference Board leading economic index for China was revised down to 0.3% in April from a first estimate of 1.7% after what the Conference Board described as a calculation error. As for Friday's jobs report, there are concerns that nonfarm payrolls could fall because of the layoff of temporary census workers and weakness in government employment generally.

As nervousness spread, share prices fell sharply Tuesday, with news that the ECB program to acquire covered bonds Monday exceeded the €60 billion threshold set a year ago adding to market jitters.

London's FTSE 100 index was down 2.1%, Frankfurt's DAX was down 2.4%, and Paris's CAC 40 was down 2.7%. U.S. stock index futures were lower too, with the September Dow Jones Industrial Average contract down 1.2% and the September S&P 500 contract down 1.3%.

In the European foreign exchanges, the euro slid to $1.2194 from $1.2277 late in New York Monday and to ¥108.20 from ¥109.72. The euro was quoted briefly at ¥107.80, its lowest level since November 2001, and it also fell to a new low against the Swiss franc, at 1.3250.

The cost of borrowing euros in the interbank market crossed a nine-month high Tuesday, as banks prepared for the expiry of an €442 billion liquidity facility from the European Central Bank on Thursday.

The three-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate, or Euribor, the rate at which interbank term deposits in the monetary union are offered, rose to 0.761% Tuesday from 0.754% Monday, the highest level since Sept. 18, 2009.

"The single currency continues to be the currency market whipping boy as markets continue to adopt a risk-averse approach," said Michael Hewson, analyst at CMC Markets.

With debt auctions later this week in France and Spain, and rather weak demand for Italian paper yesterday, markets remain concerned about the solvency of EU nations," he added.

The flight to assets seen as less risky helped sterling, which was boosted by comments from Bank of England monetary policy committee member Andrew Sentance, who suggested that U.K. interest rates may have to rise sooner rather than later.

It also helped core European government bonds. The September U.K. gilt future rose to a new contract high of 121.45 after the U.S. 10-year Treasury note yield fell below 3% to its lowest level since late April last year. By contrast, the Markit iTraxx corporate credit indexes were sharply wider.

"Risk aversion is in the ascendancy. Concerns about the European banking system ahead of the expiration of the ECB 12-month liquidity facility on Thursday is weighing on the market. Fears of a faltering Chinese economy are also creating negative sentiment," said Markit's Gavin Nolan.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 5:51 am

El nuevo iPhone es un boom para la industria pornografica, la nueva capacidad del telefono de poder comunicarse telefonicamente y ver a la otra persona debido a la camara incorporada ha hecho que esa industria abandone a Flash por HTML 5.

Bueno, eso ya se venia venir. Apple dijo que estaba trabajando con el resto de la industria para que implementaran el servicio a sus telefonos y de esa manera la practica se extenderia y no seria una exclusividad del iPhone solamente.

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Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 5:53 am

BPZ +52.17%

ABK -2.42%

AIG -2.83%

EGO -4.41%

FAS -3.60%

NR +6.03%

RTP -3.37%
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 5:54 am

El oro pasa al alza a 1,239.20
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 6:03 am

Si seran bestias los democratas liderados por Obama.

Este articulo esta escrito, no por la oposicion, no por un republicano, si no por la miembra de la asociacion de la banca en Ohio.

Uno pensaria que el gobierno estaria tratando de ayudar a los bancos pequenios a otorgar prestamos a los pequenios negocios, por lo menos eso es lo que dicen los titulares de que Obama esta pidiendole al Congreso que faciliten prestamos a los pequenios negocios y bla...bla... bla...todo mentira.


El fin de la banca comunitaria
Se negaran prestamos a personas que si merecen obtener prestamos debido a que la nueva ley forzara a los bancos pequenio a dedicar mas energia y fondos a obedecer la nueva regulacion.

La neuva reforma financiera marcara el fin de la banca comunitaria. Las nuevas reformas le daran mas poder al Fed para regular como mi banco y los demas conducen sus negocios.

Que significa esto para nuestros clientes? menos credito disponible, incremento en los costos, y menor capacidad para otorgar prestamos como se hacia en el pasado. Esta es la tormenta perfecta para los clientes de los bancos pequenios. Comenzaremos a ver mas caidas de bancos comunitarios y mayores fusiones debido a la voluminosa regulacion.

The End of Community Banking
Creditworthy borrowers will be denied loans as small banks devote more and more energy to regulatory compliance

The comprehensive financial reform agreed upon by the House and Senate on Friday, along with all the new regulations of the past year, could signal the end of community banking. The new reforms will give more power to the Federal Reserve to regulate how my bank and others like it do business.

What does all this mean for our customers? Less credit will be available, costs will increase, and we will be less able to make loans to regular people who were creditworthy in the past. This is the perfect storm for the small retail banking customer. We will start to see more small community bank failures and mergers because of voluminous regulation.

I have served as the president and now the chair of the board of directors of First Federal Savings and Loan Association in Newark, Ohio, since 1980. First Federal is a $200 million, federal mutual thrift. We were created to provide people a safe place to deposit their money, and loan that money back into the community in order to meet housing needs. Additionally, we utilize a significant portion of our profits to give (yes, I said give—not lend) to worthy community organizations and projects.

Our business model is narrow. We have 55 employees. We are mortgage lenders and providers of retail deposit services. We have always been a major housing lender for low and moderate income workers in our community. Our borrowers work in government, agriculture, manufacturing, education and the medical profession, like any small community in the United States. For 76 years, this business model has served us, and most importantly, the people in our community very well.

Here is the problem as I see it. First Federal lends to creditworthy folks who for decades have been well-served by bankers who understand their market and can think creatively to structure credit appropriately. It is what community bankers do. Going forward, we will no longer be able to evaluate loan applications based solely on the creditworthiness of the borrower. We will be making regulation compliance decisions instead of credit decisions. This is not in the best interest of the consumer.

I have said to our employees many times, "We are in the business of helping people!" Sometimes, bad things happen to good people, people we see in the grocery store and at Little League baseball blacklisted_site. We used to believe that if someone hit a bump in the road of life and came to us for financing, we could often figure out a way to help them. I fear this kind of community-oriented banking will end. There will be creditworthy borrowers who will no longer be able to get loans.

Recently, a couple came to us wanting to refinance their home. They were paying a relatively high interest rate (by today's standards) to a competing institution. They had reasonably good equity in their residence and owned a couple of rental properties, also with good equity. One borrower worked in the construction field and had experienced a reduction in income over the past couple of years, causing some recent slow payments on their credit report. After verifying the income and assets of the borrowers, an idea not new to us, we decided to deny the loan.

An argument could have been made to grant the loan because of the good equity position and due to the fact that we would have been lowering their monthly payment. However, fear of regulatory criticism through the federal examination process and potential money penalties associated with noncompliance were the overriding factors, causing the loan to be denied.

I had another customer stop in my office the other morning to ask how I thought the new bill would affect bank fees on checking accounts. My short answer was they will become more expensive, due in large part to the change in interchange fee regulation. It is estimated that banks on average will experience a 75% reduction in interchange fee income. In small banks like ours, interchange income offsets the expense associated with providing the service of electronic banking. Institutions will be faced with one of two choices: Either increase fees on checking accounts and continue to offer electronic banking, or stop providing the service altogether.

We all know the employees needed to provide banking services to deposit and loan customers: the manager, the teller, the back-office folks who balance the books, the loan officers and the customer-service representatives. In order to comply with the volumes of new regulation—and small banks are required to comply with the same consumer regulations that apply to the Wall Street banks—we will need to have a proportionately higher number of employees working day after day to interpret and implement all the new federal rules. This in itself, because of the sheer volume, has the potential to destroy community banking. Large banks have entire departments devoted to regulation compliance on a full-time basis; we have one employee, like most institutions our size.

The safety and soundness of our nation's small financial institutions is dependent on our being able to be profitable and add to our capital base. Small community financial institutions care about the people in their communities. Unfortunately, the new financial regulatory reform bill will greatly inhibit our ability to help them.

Mrs. Wallace is chair of the board of directors of First Federal Savings and Loan Association in Newark, Ohio.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 6:06 am

La neuva regulacion financiera no tiene los 60 votos para ser aprobada en el Senado. Si tienen los votos en la Casa de Representantes.

Senador Byrd fallecio ayer y los democratas tendran que esperar a que su remplazo (otro democrata) sea elegido para poder conseguir los 60 votos.

No los tienen.

Euro down 1.2189

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 6:13 am

Recien hoy dia saldra a la venta el iPhone 4 al publico en general. Las ventas anteriores de 1.7 millones en los primeros 3 dias de su lanzamiento incluian solamente la venta a los clientes existentes que calificaron por tener un contrato existente por mas de un anio con AT&T. Increible. Cuantos venderan ahora?

Hay muchisimos clientes que no compraran el iPhone hasta que puedan comprar el servicio con otra compania que no sea AT&T, la favorita es Verizon.

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 6:20 am

Uruguay le ha mandado 1,000 kilos de carne a su seleccion.

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 7:06 am

Copper June 29,08:02
Bid/Ask 2.9750 - 2.9796
Change -0.0907 -2.96%
Low/High 2.9651 - 3.0748

Nickel June 29,08:02
Bid/Ask 9.0220 - 9.0673
Change -0.1678 -1.83%
Low/High 8.9562 - 9.2397

Aluminum June 29,08:03
Bid/Ask 0.8751 - 0.8796
Change -0.0159 -1.78%
Low/High 0.8728 - 0.8955

Zinc June 29,08:02
Bid/Ask 0.7976 - 0.8022
Change -0.0272 -3.30%
Low/High 0.7908 - 0.8317

Lead June 29,08:03
Bid/Ask 0.7883 - 0.7928
Change -0.0286 -3.50%
Low/High 0.7883 - 0.8305
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 7:31 am

Todo 2 y 3% a la baja.
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 7:41 am

El euro esta mejorando ahora arriba de 1.22

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 8:03 am

El indide de las casas subio 3.8%, buenas noticias de la economia, pero los futures siguen a la baja en mas de 100 puntos.

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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 8:07 am

Todos los traders hablando de como los yields de los 10 anios han bajado debajo del nivel del 3% ahora en 2.98%

Micron Tech mas del 6% a la baja.

Oil down 75.20

Euro down 1.2204 pero esta subiendo algo, haber si las cosas mejoran algo durante la jornada.

El oro ha bajado $1.90 solamente y podria cambiar de tendencia.


El cobre a 3.005 y ha bajado 2.8% (futures)
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Re: Martes 29/06/06 Indice de las casas

Notapor admin » Mar Jun 29, 2010 8:28 am

Au down 1,237.40


Apertura en rojo
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Mensajes: 164292
Registrado: Mié Abr 21, 2010 9:02 pm


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