por admin » Mié Jun 13, 2012 8:13 am
Cuando el euro fue creado en 1999, Milton Friedman predijo que se desintegraria en 10 anios.
Como terminara el euro
Grecia simplemente se quedara sin cash. Luego la burbuja de bienes raices en Espana arruinara la economia real.
El euro es la primera moneda sin pais, la Union Europea no es un estado federal como US, es la aglomeracion de estados soberanos. Los paises Europeos estan plagados de rigidez, incluyendo el mercado laboral, donde las diferencias de lenguaje y la proteccion al comercio y profesiones en muchos paises impiden la mobilidad laboral. Eso hace muy dificil que sus economias se ajusten a los cambios ciclicos y estructurales.
Por esas razones Milton Friedman en 1999 predijo el fin del euro, se equivoco en cuando, pero talvez estuvo correcto en el fin.
Grecia es el epicentro de la crisis del euro y la crisis fiscal de la zona euro. Los mercados temen a "Grexit" (exit es salida) del euro. El final del juego sera jugado en Espana. Grecia ya esta asiamilada.
Primero Grecia, donde no hay cash, los Greigos y hasta el gobierno no tienen cash. El gobierno no esta pagando a sus proveedores y a sus trabajadores de manera regular, por lo que los ciudadanos no pueden pagar sus cuentas a los negocios con los que transan. Los negocios por lo tanto no pueden pagar a sus proveedores. Es una cascada de excasez de cash.
Normalmente el credito se usa en las transacciones economicas. Pero no hay credito en Grecia, Cada uno esta moviendo sy dinero fuera del pais, especialmente a Alemania o bancos Suizos, Ingleses, etc.
Con una ausencia de drama, Grecia saldra de la zona euro mas que por su propia decision por necesidad. Lo hara no por que el drachma sea superior al euro, pero porque el drachma es superior al barter (intercambio de bienes sin usar la moneda). El standard de vida de los Griegos, que ya ha bajado bastante, caera aun mas en el corto y mediano plazo. Y alli empezara el nuevo futuro para los Griegos, depende de ellos.
Si bien es cierto la salida de Grecia tendra repercusiones, no sera una tragedia como algunos pintan. La salida de Espana sera si totalmente diferente. A diferencia de Grecia, Espana es una economia mayor. De acuerdo al IMF en el 2011, la economia de Griega es cinco veces la de Grecia. Y a diferencia de Grecia, Espana tiene muchos bancos, algunos de ellos grandes y globales.
La tragedia Griega empezo con la risis fiscal- iniciada por el gobierno al gastar tanto, mucho mas de lo que recolectaba y se convirtio en una crisis bancaria, En Espana hay una crisis fiscal tambien que solo empeora la crisis bancaria.
Crisis fiscales y bancarias siempre estan conectadas por que en la economia moderna el estado y la banca estan conectadas. Los bancos compran deuda del gobierno, apoyando al estado y los gobiernos garantizan las deudas de la banca. Cuando una parte se debilita, tambien lo hace la otra.
La banca Espanola esta afectada no solamente por que el gobierno esta teniendo una gran crisis fiscal, pero por los prestamos morosos en el sector privado. Muchos bancos espanoles prestaron abundantemente a los constructores y a lso individuos que querian comprar casas construidas por los constructores. El sector construccion en Espana es proporcionalmente mucho mas grande que el resto de la economia del pais (mas que el resto de paises en la zona euro o US). Y la deuda de la banca para financiar a ese sector crecio mucho mas rapido que en el resto del mundo)
Los bacnos Espanoles han tomado grandes write downs en sus balances, pero no lo suficiente. Solo la excta cantidad de los write downs esta en duda, El gobierno Espanol ha efectivamente nacionalizado un banco Bankia-debido a que estaba insolvente-pero habran mas bancos que correran el mismo futuro.
Finalmente el gobierno Espanol ha admitido que no tiene los fondos para recapitalizar a su banca. Los ministros de la EU han dedicado hasta 100 billones de euros para ese esfuerzo. La experiencia de las crisis bancarias en general sugiere que los estimados de las deudas prueban siempre ser muy bajas. Los lideres politicos empiezan con la negacion y despues solo admiten parte del tamanio real de la crisis. Eso fue verdad para la crisis de US savings y Loans en los 80s y en el 2007-2008, la crisis en Irlanda y ahora en Espana.
Como la situacion de la banca sea manejada determinara el futuro del euro y posiblmente la de Union Europea. Los Alemanes y los demas paises solventes querran dar grandes rescates, lso ciudadanos de lso demas paises fuera de la zona euro, como Sweden y el Reino Unido ayudaran? o Espana descendera a la catastrofe al estilo de los 30s y la Gran Depresion?
Los problemas de la banca Espanola no es el final, solo el principio, de los problemas ed la banca Europea. Los bancos en Francia, el Reino Unido y Alemania tienen grandes cantidades de deuda soberana y privada de Portugal, Italia, Ireland, Grecia y Espana. El gobierno de Cyprus ya ha hecho un llamado urgente solicitando fondos para recapitalizar sus bancos, y los mercados estan preocupados por la deuda de Italia, lo que limita la habilidad de Roma para lidiar con sus problemas bancarios.
La zona euro esta en crisis, en el sentido correcto de la palabra, el punto de retorno de donde se recuperara o terminara. Un factor importante que puede determinar el futuro de la zona descansa grandemente en el liderazgo Europeo.
Los lideres Europeos han mostrado no tener el liderazgo. Hay excepciones, especialemente en los paises del Norte, pero la ausencia de liderazfo sera el factor decisivo para el fin del euro. En Espana y fuera de ella, los lideres han aplicado solo soluciones temporales en lugar de reconocer la verdadera magnitud del problema. Los bancos , no la crisis fiscal, sera lo que termine con el euro.
Al final, estoy de acuerdo con Milton Friedman, si Europa toma la decision de ser un estado federal, una moneda comun es el rumbo naural. Cuando 17 estados deciden adoptar el euro sin union plitica, lo hicieron al reves.
Mr. O'Driscoll is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. He was formerly a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and later a vice president at Citigroup.
OPINIONJune 12, 2012, 7:10 p.m. ET
Gerald O'Driscoll: How the Euro Will End
Greece will simply run out of cash. Then Spain's real-estate bubble will ruin an economy that really matters
The euro is the world's first currency invented out of whole cloth. It is a currency without a country. The European Union is not a federal state, like the United States, but an agglomeration of sovereign states. European countries are plagued by rigidities, including those in labor markets—where language differences and the protection of trades and professions in many countries impede labor mobility. That makes it difficult for their economies to adjust to cyclical and structural economic shifts.
For such reasons, when the euro was created in 1999, Milton Friedman famously predicted its demise within a decade. He was wrong about the timing, but he may yet be proven right about the fact.
Greece is the epicenter of a currency and fiscal crisis in the euro zone. Markets fear a "Grexit," or Greek exit from the euro. That exit is almost a foregone conclusion. The endgame for the euro will be played out in Spain.
But first to Greece, which is devolving from a money-using economy. Firms, households and even the government are short on cash. The government isn't paying its suppliers and workers in a timely fashion, so households cannot pay their bills to businesses with whom they transact. Businesses, in turn, cannot pay their suppliers. There is a cascade of cash constraints.
Normally, credit supplements cash in economic transactions. But there is scant credit in Greece. Anyone who can is moving their money out of the country, either to banks in other euro-zone countries, such as Germany, or out of the euro to banks in Switzerland, the United Kingdom and U.S. (the franc, pound and dollar, respectively).
Absent a truly dramatic event, Greece will exit the euro not by choice but by necessity. It will do so not because the drachma (its old currency) is superior to the euro, but because the drachma is superior to barter. Greek standards of living, which have already fallen substantially, will fall further in the short- to medium-term. It will then be up to the Greek people to forge a new future.
While a Greek exit from the euro zone will have substantial repercussions, it won't unleash the doomsday scenario painted by some. A Spanish exit would be an entirely different matter. Unlike Greece, Spain is a major economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, at official exchange rates in 2011 the Spanish economy was more than five times the size of Greece's. And unlike Greece, Spain has numerous banks, some large and global.
The Greek tragedy began with a fiscal crisis—brought on by the government spending more money than it took in—that became a banking crisis. In Spain, there is a fiscal crisis that exacerbates a banking crisis.
Fiscal and banking crises are often linked because in modern economics the state and banking are joined together. Banks purchase government debt, supporting the state, and governments guarantee the liabilities of banks. When one party is weakened, so is the other.
Spanish banks are impaired not only because the Spanish government is running large fiscal deficits, but also because of bad loans to the private sector. Many Spanish banks lent heavily to property developers and to individuals who wanted to purchase homes built by the developers. Spain's construction sector is substantially larger relative to the rest of its economy than is the construction sector in other euro-zone countries or the U.S. And bank debt to finance that sector grew much faster than elsewhere.
Spanish banks have taken huge write downs on their loans, but not enough. Only the exact size of the future write downs is in doubt, not that they will be very large. The Spanish government has effectively nationalized one bank, Bankia—due to threatened insolvency—but will very likely be faced with more takeovers.
The Spanish government has finally admitted that it does not have the funds to recapitalize its banks. EU finance ministers have reportedly committed up to 100 billion euros ($125 billion) for that effort. Experience with banking crises in general suggests that early estimates of losses will prove to be too low. Political leaders start with denial and then offer only belated recognition of the size of banking problems. That was true in the U.S. savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and the 2007-08 bust in housing finance, the banking crisis in Ireland, so far in Spain.
How the Spanish banking situation is handled will determine the future of the euro and possibly of the larger European Union. Will German's taxpayers and those of other solvent countries be willing to fund an even larger bailout of Spanish banks to save impecunious Spaniards? Will the citizens of EU countries outside the euro zone, such as Sweden and the U.K., be asked to chip in? Or will Spain be allowed to descend into a catastrophic 1930s-style banking crisis and Great Depression?
Spanish banking problems are not the end, but only the beginning, of European banking problems. Banks in France, the U.K. and Germany also hold large amounts of the sovereign and private debt of Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain. The government of Cyprus has already made an "exceptionally urgent" request for funds to recapitalize its banks, and markets are now worried about Italy's debt, which limits Rome's ability to deal with banking problems.
The euro zone is in a crisis, in the correct sense of the word, a turning point from which it will either recover or enter a terminal phase. One important factor that may determine the outcome is the degree of leadership in Europe.
By and large, political leaders in Europe are a feckless lot. There are exceptions, particularly in some of the Nordic countries (e.g., Estonia), but the absence of leadership may be the decisive factor leading to the euro's demise. In Spain and elsewhere, leaders have been willing to apply temporary fixes to their banking problems rather than to recognize the true size of the problem. The banks, not fiscal deficits, will be the undoing of the euro.
In the end, I side with Milton Friedman. If Europe had made the political decision for a federal state, a single currency would have been a natural outcome. When 17 states decided to adopt the euro first without political union, they got it backward.
Mr. O'Driscoll is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. He was formerly a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and later a vice president at Citigroup.