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Con todo, hay que introducir algunas matizaciones. En primer lugar, ¿quién no tiene dudas sobre la magnitud y profundidad de las medidas de política monetaria introducidas por la Fed y por otros bancos centrales?. La combinación de riesgos a medio y largo plazo que introducen. Además, las Actas reflejan la discusión de todos los consejeros votantes y los que no lo son. Dicho todo esto, sí es cierto que hay un importante debate dentro de la Fed sobre la orientación futura de la política monetaria. Y el relevo en 2014 de Bernanke como su Presidente posiblemente no lo mejore.
¿Cambio de sesgo?
- “participants saw the economic outlook as little changed or modestly improved relative to the December meeting. Most participants judged that therehad been some reduction in downside risks facing the economy” and “Several participants mentioned that domestic credit conditions appeared to haveimproved” and “participants indicated that, relative to the recent past, more business contacts reported an improvement in confidence and somecautious optimism about the economic outlook”
- “many participants also expressed some concerns about potential costs and risks arising from further asset purchases” (note the ‘many)’, “Several participants discussed the possible complications that additional purchases could cause”, “A few also raised concerns about the potential effects offurther asset purchases on the functioning of particular financial markets”, “Several participants emphasized that the Committee should be prepared tovary the pace of asset purchases,”
Naturalmente, también hay comentarios que enfatizan la necesidad de mantener las características de la política monetaria actual…
- Nearly all participants anticipated that inflation over the mediumtermwould run at or below the Committee’s 2 percent objective”, the unemploymentrate remained well above estimates of its longerrunnormal level, and other indicators…suggested that the recovery in the labor market was far fromcomplete”, “Most participants commented that the Committee’s asset purchases had been effective in easing financial conditions”, “one participantcommented that some market participants appeared to have incorrectly interpreted the thresholds as triggers”; ‘A couple of participants noted that thispolicy tool would be more effective if the Committee were able to communicate a consensus expectation for the path of the federal funds rate after athreshold.
José Luis Martínez Campuzano - Citi